Tag: Disaster Planning

Coronavirus disease officially named COVID-19 by WHO

Editor's Note The new Coronavirus disease from China has been given an official name by the World Health Organization, “COVID-19,” The February 11 NPR reports. COVI comes from coronavirus, the D stands for disease, and the 19 represents 2019, the year the virus was first identified. The name will apply…

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By: Judy Mathias
February 13, 2020

CDC updates guidance for healthcare personnel possibly exposed to the coronavirus

Editor's Note The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on February 8 updated its guidance for risk assessment and management of healthcare personnel possibly exposed in a healthcare setting to patients with the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). The first confirmed transmission from person-to-person in the US was reported January 30,…

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By: Judy Mathias
February 11, 2020

ECRI Institute announces Coronavirus Outbreak Preparedness Center

Editor's Note The ECRI Institute on February 5 announced the launch of its Coronavirus Outbreak Preparedness Center, which was developed to help hospitals protect healthcare workers and patients as the coronavirus spreads across the world. Included in this free compendium of resources are: Preparation and patient handling checklists Equipment and…

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By: Judy Mathias
February 5, 2020

CDC announces first US case of coronavirus from China

Editor's Note The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on January 21 confirmed the first case of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) from China in the state of Washington. The patient recently returned from Wuhan, China, where an outbreak of pneumonia caused by this virus has been ongoing since…

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By: Judy Mathias
January 22, 2020

Smartphone data helps surgeons understand their patients' postop recovery

Editor's Note Surgeons can better understand the effect of a patient's postoperative physical activity on their recovery by capturing passively-collected accelerometer data from their patients’ smartphones, finds this study presented October 28 at the American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress 2019 in San Francisco. Patients enrolled in the study downloaded…

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By: Judy Mathias
November 4, 2019

Seminar eases nurses' discomfort with sudden patient declines

A patient’s condition can change in the blink of an eye. Are you prepared to respond? And what happens if the patient dies? This is the focus of an annual seminar at Houston Methodist Hospital that was developed to increase the comfort level of perioperative nurses caring for a patient…

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By: Judith M. Mathias, MA, RN
September 23, 2019

9/11 World Trade Center exposure linked to long-term CVD risk in firefighters

Editor's Note In this study, a significant association was found between exposure to World Trade Center dust and long-term cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk in firefighters. Of 9,796 firefighters analyzed, those who arrived first at the World Trade Center when dust was the thickest were found to have a 44% increased…

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By: Judy Mathias
September 9, 2019

DHS releases action guide for healthcare facilities on active shooter incidents

Editor's Note The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has issued an action guide for active shooter incidents specifically for hospitals and healthcare facilities. The action guide includes potential indicators of an individual who may become an active shooter. It also gives recommendations for staff on what they should do if…

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By: Judy Mathias
May 21, 2019

Imagining the unimaginable: Preparing for mass casualty

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Joint Commission require healthcare facilities to have policies and protocols in place for emergency situations and to hold regular practice drills. With natural disasters like hurricanes, floods, or fires, often there is at least some warning—some amount of time to…

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By: Elizabeth Wood
April 22, 2019

Expect the unexpected: How we recovered operations after Hurricane Harvey

Whatever your facility’s disaster management plan, it needs continual refinement to account for the differences between imagined and real scenarios. Hurricane Harvey, which hit Houston hard on Saturday, August 26, 2017, is a case in point. The storm brought more than 60 inches of rain within a couple of days,…

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By: Elizabeth Wood
April 22, 2019

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