Editor's Note Two home visits by a physician assistant (PA) in the week after discharge significantly reduced the chance that a cardiac surgery patient would be readmitted, finds this study presented January 26 at the annual meeting of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons. Of 1,185 patients analyzed, those who received…
Editor's Note The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is proposing to revise discharge planning requirements that hospitals, including long-term care hospitals and inpatient rehabilitation facilities, critical access hospitals, and home health agencies, must meet to participate in CMS programs. Changes to discharge planning requirements would: bring them into…
Nurses, surgeons, and anesthesia providers all have one main goal for patients undergoing surgery—a smooth recovery that returns patients to their daily lives as quickly as possible. Some healthcare providers have adopted enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocols as a strategy for meeting that goal, and preliminary research suggests merits…
Frequently OR leaders are at the forefront of implementing enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocols. They have the skills to facilitate implementation of ERAS and to dispel any misconceptions about it, says Donna Watson, MSN, RN, CNOR, FNP. Watson, director for Medtronic Health Systems Advantage in Boulder, Colorado, is an…
Editor's Note The Joint Commission on December 2 launched two new resources to help healthcare providers reduce readmissions and improve the discharge process. The resources include a new “Speak Up” campaign to “Avoid a Return Trip to the Hospital,” and a “Quick Safety” newsletter. “Speak Up” includes an infographic, animated…
Editor's Note Enhanced recovery pathways are cost-effective compared with conventional perioperative management of colorectal patients, this study finds. Of 180 patients analyzed, mean length of stay was shorter (6.5 vs 9.8 days), return to work was quicker, and there was less care giver burden in the enhanced recovery group. The…
Editor's Note Compared to married patients, those who were divorced, separated, or widowed had a 40% greater chance of dying or developing a functional disability in the first 2 years after cardiac surgery, in this study. Characterizing the association between marital status and postoperative function may be useful for counseling…
Editor's Note Postoperative hip fracture patients are more likely to be successfully discharged home if they are rehabilitated in centers that care for at least 25 hip fracture patients per year, this study finds. Successful discharge was 43.7% for high-volume facilities (> 24 admissions/year) vs 18.8% for low-volume facilities (1-6…
Editor's Note Weekend discharge after major surgical procedures is not associated with higher readmission rates, this study finds. Readmission rates were similar for those discharged on a weekend vs weekday after AAA repair (8.8% vs 9.3%) and pancreatectomy (17.5% vs 15.9%). Weekend discharge was associated with a lower 30-day readmission…
Editor's Note Seniors are much more likely than younger patients to be admitted to the hospital after ambulatory surgery, this study finds. Of more than 53,000 patients analyzed, those aged 65 and older were 54% more likely to be admitted to the hospital within 30 days of ambulatory surgery than…