Tag: Discharge Planning


Enhanced recovery protocols aren’t a new concept, but new data linking them with better outcomes in colorectal surgery patients suggest they’re worth considering—and perhaps should be more widely adopted. In a study published online in January in the Journal of the American College of Surgeons, enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS)…

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By: OR Manager
April 17, 2015

Perioperative surgical home optimizes patient care, Part 1

The medical home, consisting of a patient-centered team focusing on the coordinated delivery of care, is now embedded in the healthcare lexicon, but the perioperative surgical home (PSH) is a more recent concept that is only starting to spread across the country. “The number of hospitals in the US with…

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By: Paula DeJohn
February 12, 2015

Avera McKennan finds innovative strategies to address orthopedic pain management

Postsurgical pain scores are highly correlated with reports of overall patient satisfaction during hospital stays, according to a poster presented at the 2014 American Academy of Pain Medicine annual meeting. Dermot Maher, MD, and his colleagues from Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles examined patient responses on HCAHPS (Hospital…

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By: OR Manager
November 17, 2014

Planning for postoperative care: A key strategy for reducing readmissions

With the expansion of Medicare readmission penalties to elective total-knee and total-hip arthroplasty patients in 2014 comes an increasing demand for OR leaders to ensure better postdischarge care. To avoid readmissions, OR management will have to be more proactive about reducing length of stay and complications and providing for care…

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By: OR Manager
February 1, 2014

Escorts essential for ensuring postop patient safety

Before any elective surgery, patients are expected to arrange for an escort who will take responsibility for them at discharge—someone who will drive them home and possibly care for them as they recover from the effects of anesthesia. Despite a strict policy that patients must have a “responsible adult escort,”…

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By: OR Manager
May 1, 2013

A plan for avoiding readmissions after surgery

A Medicaid patient is admitted to the hospital for repair of an enterocutaneous fistula. He’s considered a high risk for readmission after surgery because he doesn’t have a working refrigerator or telephone. That means he won’t be able to keep fresh food on hand or call his physician if he…

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By: OR Manager
February 1, 2013

Accidents underscore need for escorts

A 44-year-old man has a knee arth-roscopy under local anesthesia and sedation. He remains conscious and alert during the procedure. He is able to eat and walk before he is allowed to leave. His friend doesn't show up to drive him home. While driving himself home, he has an accident…

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By: OR Manager
June 1, 2008

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