Perioperative services departments have been slow to adopt the black boxes used in the aviation industry, partly because it can take a large team of experts hours to analyze data collected by the box. However, the team behind a surgical black box is using artificial intelligence (AI) to significantly cut…
Editor's Note Education and monitoring of hand hygiene among anesthesia providers in the OR improved hand hygiene compliance in this study from the Duke University School of Nursing, Durham, North Carolina. Anesthesia providers were educated on the World Health Organization’s five indications for hand hygiene, and their access to hand…
High labor costs, surgeon dissatisfaction, high staff turnover, and low staff competency are problems that dog many OR leaders at some point in their careers. When managers at the Stanford University Medical Center Main OR in Stanford, California, found themselves facing all of these problems at once, they knew something…
Editor's Note Nurse executives need to evaluate the strength of their nursing leadership talent pool and develop policies and strategies that promote nurse manager competence, this study finds. A survey of 647 nurse managers, who manage 964 patient care units in 54 hospitals found the following: They rated themselves as…
San Diego in January is a place where many people would rather be, and the 475 healthcare business and industry leaders who gathered there for the 2019 OR Business Management Conference (ORBMC) enjoyed the mild climate along with high-quality presentations and fun networking events. Conference attendance rises each year, yet…
Editor's Note The personality quality termed “grit” was associated with longevity as a leader, higher educational attainment, and reduced burnout in nurse leaders in this study. A survey of nurse leaders across the US measuring grit (ie, courage and resolve, strength of character) and well-being found that grit was significantly…
Editor's Note The Joint Commission on February 6 announced its new Speak Up campaign that focuses on ways to prevent infection. The Joint Commission offers free educational resources that include: an infographic poster/flyer an animated video a guide with recommendations on how healthcare organizations can use and provide the materials…
Editor's Note ECRI Institute recently launched ECRI Guidelines Trust, a publicly available web-based repository of evidence-based national and international clinical guidelines as well as Guideline Briefs with TRUST Scorecards. The healthcare community has free access to the repository, which was created after funding cuts forced the Agency for Healthcare Research…
Editor's Note Education of surgical interns on postoperative analgesia was effective in preparing them for judicious opioid prescribing, this study finds. An education session on postoperative analgesia prescribing was presented to 31 incoming surgical interns by surgical residents. Before the education session was started, few interns felt comfortable prescribing opioids…
The United States is amid a conversion to a value-based system of healthcare. Although this new delivery model has contributed to the closure of some hospitals and the realignment of others into larger health systems, the primacy of the OR as a source of revenue for hospitals has remained constant.…