Editor's Note The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston on January 22 opened its new Veterans’ Bachelor of Science in Nursing program. The program will facilitate the transition of United States military veterans into professional nursing by providing an opportunity for up to 10 veterans per semester to…
How can OR managers better prepare staff to handle crisis situations? How can they encourage teamwork? Increasingly, OR leaders are turning to simulation to answer those questions. OR leaders who think they can’t afford a high-fidelity manikin (one that talks and exhibits physiologic changes) and state-of-the-art simulation lab might…
Emergencies such as the one described above don’t happen frequently in the OR, but it is important to prepare for them, and simulation has emerged as an ideal educational tool. This scenario took place in a simulation lab, not a real OR, so the danger to the “patient” (manikin) consisted…
The use of storytelling and listening to staff stories can be a valuable tool to help OR managers understand and mitigate workplace challenges and incivility. These are the findings of a doctoral study by Patricia Littlejohn, MBA, RN, CNOR, director, neurosciences and program development, Regional Medical Center, San Jose, California.…
When it comes to filling OR nursing positions, finding candidates who can fit into that environment is one challenge, and getting them up to speed quickly is another. Perioperative nurse leaders and educators at the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio, have found it worthwhile to invest in their surgical technologists…
To paraphrase the popular Alan Jackson song “Gone Country,” more than 1,400 perioperative nurse leaders from across the US and from other countries “went country” by attending the 28th annual OR Manager Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, this past October. They were drawn to both the in-depth educational opportunity and the…
Business managers make up a relatively small percentage of perioperative services staff, but they play an increasingly important role in ensuring quality of patient care. That’s probably one reason for the growing popularity of the annual OR Business Management Conference, which will be held February 21-24, 2016, in Phoenix. The…
Editor's Note Referred to as the “July phenomenon,” the influx of new surgical residents and interns at the beginning of the academic year is assumed to be associated with poor outcomes. This study of nearly 1.5 million patients who had emergency general surgery either early (July-August) or late (September-June) in…
Editor's Note The 2014 Institute of Medicine report calls for restructuring of Medicare funding for graduate medical education to incorporate pay-for-performance methods. However, to evaluate and financially reward residency programs based on performance, performance must be defined and measurable. This study assesses general surgery residency program performance using outcomes, including…
Editor's Note New guidelines from the National Council of State Boards of Nursing emphasize the use of simulation in nursing training and recommend certification to demonstrate that faculty and simulation lab personnel are qualified. The guidelines cite a study demonstrating that high-quality simulation experiences could be substituted for up to…