Successful hiring for the OR depends on ensuring nurses have the right education and clinical skills as well as the right attitude: Are they are willing and able to be team players? OR nurse leaders at Saint Luke’s Health System (SLHS), Kansas City, Missouri, have been revamping their intern and…
There is no OR nurse university. Nurses can’t go away to college, pay tuition, and learn to be a perioperative nurse. “Faced with a staffing shortfall, how are we going to deal with this? How are they going to learn and acquire skills needed to work in the OR?” These…
Perioperative nursing needs a standardized educational path for entry into the profession, according to James X. Stobinski, PhD, RN, CNOR (cover story), yet there’s no single entity for taking charge and making that happen. Stobinski lays out some options for how to achieve the education and competency needed for the…
Some 300 surgical services leaders from across the US gathered in Orlando in February for the OR Business Management Conference to escape from winter and absorb the collective wisdom of a stellar group of presenters and exhibitors. Presentations on Lean management, scheduling innovations, staff relationships, nurse education, and cost-saving measures—to…
When it comes to patient safety in the OR, the risk of fire or other damage caused by surgical instruments is an area that deserves greater attention. Professional medical societies concerned about such risks have developed a multidisciplinary curriculum that addresses appropriate and safe use of energy devices in surgery…
Education is always high on my list of goals at the start of a new year, and OR Manager’s two annual events are excellent resources for new insights into the care of surgical patients. Both will feature experienced leaders addressing the key issues that affect the management of ORs in…
What started out as a software package to train medical device representatives for the OR has evolved into a program to train OR personnel to scrub and support a “rep-less” model. The software, designed by a former perioperative nurse, helps orient staff to new procedures, documents their competency, and streamlines…
The OR Manager webinar series, now under the direction of Ellen Lord, MS, RN, CNOR, is an important resource for continuing education as well as best practices to optimize efficiency and performance. Webinars are presented twice a month. Attendees who complete a brief online posttest and evaluation satisfactorily may earn…
Attending several professional meetings each year is a rewarding part of my job and a critical component of my ongoing education. As a non-clinician, I learn a lot from listening to healthcare professionals, and capturing some of what’s presented at these meetings is an attempt to keep readers abreast of…
Including AORN’s PeriOp 101 curriculum in a bachelor of science (BSN) curriculum has allowed the University of St Thomas in Houston to break new ground in nurse education. Launched in May 2012, the program—a partnership between AORN, the University of St Thomas School of Nursing (UST), and Harris Health System—exposes…