A perioperative staffing schedule that meets coverage needs during high- and low-volume times and satisfies the demand for better work-life balance can be difficult to achieve. To help meet these challenges in its 50-room OR, the perioperative services department at Vanderbilt Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee, designed a perioperative float…
Just as nursing schools don’t include the operating room in their curriculums, they also don’t include any instruction on the postanesthesia care unit (PACU). And like the OR, the PACU is having trouble recruiting new nurses. In September 2015, Houston Methodist Hospital began a PACU residency program to train new…
Editor's Note Healthcare employment in the US rose in January to a seasonally adjusted 15,888,400 workers, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported on February 2. That’s 20,600 more workers than in December and 294,900 more than a year ago. ESTABLISHMENT DATA Table B-1. Employees on nonfarm payrolls by industry sector…
Editor's Note Healthcare added 21,500 jobs in October to a seasonally adjusted 15,830,700 employees, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported November 3. That’s 300,600 more than a year ago. Hospitals, specifically, added 2,800 jobs in October to a seasonally adjusted 5,130,700 employees, which is 72,400 more than a year ago.…
Editor's Note Millennials are entering the nursing workforce at nearly double the rate that baby boomers once did, this study finds. Overall, a millennial is 186% more likely to become an RN than a baby boomer. This means the RN workforce will continue to grow, but boomer retirements will still…
Editor's Note No single key retention strategy solves the issue of keeping older nurses in the workplace but, rather, a multifaceted approach is necessary, this study finds. An exploratory study was conducted at a 730-bed teaching hospital in northeast Ohio using four focus groups of staff nurses−three groups consisted of…
The pace of increased surgical volume has slowed, but continues to trend upward, according to the 2017 annual OR Manager Salary/Career Survey. The volume of surgical procedures in the past 12 months increased for 43% of respondents, the same as in 2015, but was down from the 51% reported last…
Hiring experienced staff remains a challenge for leaders in ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) even as many organizations increase case volume and specialties, according to the 2017 annual OR Manager Salary/Career Survey. More than two-thirds (67%) of respondents said that recruiting experienced RNs had become more difficult in the past 12…
Generational diversity issues in the workplace have never been more present or more complex. As many as six generations are now working side by side, and a great generational shift is underway. At one end of the spectrum, the workforce is aging, while at the other end, it is getting…
Leaders seeking competent staff for the OR are increasingly training their own. These internal programs, typically targeted toward both new graduates and nurses without previous OR experience, require planning, organization, and follow-through. “You need to integrate the didactic with the clinical setting,” says Ellen Lord, MS, RN, CNOR, a perioperative…