I was fresh out of the OR when I received a formal job offer from OR Manager. Although still hazy from an emergency laparoscopic appendectomy, I knew I would accept, reasoning the universe must be trying to tell me something. I also had no doubts about the other, very different…
Editor's Note The number of nurse practitioners (NPs) in the US has surged to 385,000, according to a November 14 Becker's Clinical Leadership article. As a result, the profession seems to be gaining prominence in healthcare amid an anticipated shortage of 100,000 physicians, Becker's Hospital Review December 4 reports. Research…
Editor's Note The Johns Hopkins School of Nursing (JHSON) on October 12 announced that it has created a new Policy Honors Program for nursing students to gain experience and foundational skills in policy analysis and advocacy. The two-semester program will include discussion-based seminars, faculty mentoring sessions, a policy project, and…