Tag: innovative surgical procedures

Space Station surgery experiment portends bright future for exploration, Earth-based medicine

Editor's Note Surgeons in Lincoln, Nebraska performed the first “operation” in space via remote control of a robot wielding scissors to cut through rubber bands, a historic first that has implications beyond space travel. Space.com reported the news February 22. Guided by onboard cameras and facing nearly second-long communications delays,…

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By: Matt Danford
February 27, 2024

Pig liver test shows promise for future human transplants

Editor's Note: A successful test of a genetically modified pig liver attached to a brain-dead human body could have significant implications for liver failure patients, the Associated Press reported January 18. Conducted at the University of Pennsylvania, the tested method is similar to kidney dialysis in that the genetically modified…

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By: Matt Danford
January 29, 2024

Study: Surgeon communication with patients on innovative procedures

Editor's Note This study from the UK finds that patients are not given sufficient information about innovative surgical procedures and their potential risks and uncertainties. Researchers collected data on seven cases, using preoperative interviews with surgeons, audio-recorded consultations during which innovative procedures were discussed between surgeons and patients, and postoperative…

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By: Judy Mathias
August 15, 2023

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