If a fancy hotel can make its guests feel well cared for, why can’t a surgery center do the same? Spivey Station Surgery Center in Jonesboro, Georgia, discovered that using principles of hospitality could take it beyond excellent patient care to higher levels of patient satisfaction and staff morale. …
Google is the best company in America to work for, according to Fortune Magazine. Thousands of smart, creative individuals want to work there, not only for perks like nap rooms and free food, but also because of Google’s reputation for supportive management, effective communication, and rewards for a job well…
Surgeon concerns about staff competency and high turnover of surgical technologists at Vail Valley Medical Center (VVMC), Vail, Colorado, prompted the development of a staffing skills competency matrix. VVMC is a community hospital with 4 rooms in its main OR, 4 rooms in its adjoining surgery center, and 4 rooms…
A mobile, web-based rounding tool is allowing the perioperative leadership team at Vail Valley Medical Center (VVMC) in Vail, Colorado, to collect, analyze, and report on information gathered from surgeons, staff, and patients to improve quality of care and move toward high reliability. Software designed by MyRounding Solutions in Littleton,…
Many OR directors struggle with designing effective nurse compensation systems. The ideal system would achieve department goals while maintaining nurse satisfaction. Unfortunately, a compensation plan that links these 2 objectives is often elusive. In 2012, OR leadership at a small Pennsylvania hospital developed a compensation system that effectively aligns nursing…
Among the tools and procedures intended to increase efficiencies and reduce errors in the OR are time-outs and checklists, which have become a standard practice during many surgical procedures. Vicki Hess, MS, RN, CSP, believes these same tools can be used to promote engagement and decrease stress among those working…
Nurse turnover is a problem that affects the performance and profitability of every health care organization. The cost of a nurse leaving a facility is roughly twice that nurse’s annual salary while a replacement is sought and orientation is completed. In addition, patient care may be compromised because the temporary…
On-call requirements in perioperative services can be a barrier to recruiting younger RNs and in retaining older nurses. Covering the daily surgical schedule with fatigued staff who have worked during the night can be a safety issue or a staffing issue if the call team is too tired to work…
A heavy call schedule at one community hospital was driving the perioperative staff away and raising concerns about patient safety because of staff fatigue. With a staff turnover rate of 40% in 2007, the perioperative management team knew changes were needed. Since then, a new staffing model has almost eliminated…
A float position that combines the duties of a surgical technologist (ST) and a central service (CS) technician creates closer ties between the OR and CS departments and improved morale in CS for a 400-bed community hospital. “These have been independent workforces, but they are highly related,” says Brian Whorley,…