The Joint Commission isn't making immediate changes in the Universal Protocol for surgical site verification. But revisions could be coming. One issue being discussed is who should mark the surgical site. Joint Commission officials discussed the protocol in a June 21 audioconference as a follow-up to a wrong-site surgery summit…
The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) is seeking input on potential National Patient Safety Goals and requirements for 2008. The deadline for comments is Jan 26, 2007. Final 2008 goals will be announced later in the year. The draft goals for hospitals are: Improving the accuracy of…
Forget the big push to get ready for a survey by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. All surveys are now unannounced, so organizations must be ready every day. Banner Desert Medical Center, Mesa, Ariz, with 600 beds, last surveyed in February 2006, has switched into continuous-readiness mode.…