Editor's Note A recent analysis from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) of over 19 million hospital discharges in the US showed a significant decline in the quality of nonsurgical care for non-COVID-19 patients during the 2020 COVID-19 surges, Healthcare Purchasing News May 28 reports. Specifically, the study…
Editor's Note Although perioperative leaders are busy people, there are plenty of good reasons to set aside 15 minutes to participate in the annual OR Manager Career/Salary survey. One example is satisfaction of contributing to perioperative education. As demonstrated by recent coverage, the survey yields useful, actionable insights made possible…
Editor's Note We rely heavily on the input of OR leaders to shape our editorial coverage, and the annual OR Manager Salary/Career survey is one of our main means of securing that input. However, we have more to offer participants in this year’s survey than the satisfaction of knowing they…
Editor's Note How does your experience compare to that of your fellow perioperative leaders? The 2024 Salary/Career Survey is your chance to find out—and to contribute to the education of the broader community. We’ve published an article on a decade's worth of data from the annual survey in every issue…
Editor's Note Although OR Manager is dedicated to providing the education perioperative leaders need to succeed, we can’t do that without your input. Our annual Salary/Career survey, now open for 2024, makes it easy for you to provide that input—and in the process, get a chance to win one of…
Editor's Note American hospitals fared well in Newsweek’s 2024 "World's Best Hospital" list, Becker’s Hospital Review reported February 28, noting that 43 candidates from the United States made the list of 250. Four US hospitals ranked in the top 10, a group singled out specifically for innovative use of artificial…
OR Manager’s 2023 Salary/Career Survey included the following question to respondents: “How do you measure productivity in your department?” The answers were eye-opening and spawned a two-part series on “Maximizing productivity measurement”: Part 1 was published in September, and Part 2 (cover story) is included in this issue. The leaders…
Editor's Note Just 10 minutes of your time could turn into 3 days of education and networking at OR Manager Conference in Nashville! Participate in the 2023 survey to help us (and you) better understand the current state of the perioperative industry and overall job satisfaction. In such a dynamic…
Editor's Note Your insight can help shape future educational content from OR Manager! We understand the challenges you face as an OR leader in the transforming healthcare landscape. To better understand your experiences, educational needs, and overall job satisfaction, OR Manager surveys perioperative leaders through our annual Salary/Career Survey. The 2023…