Tag: Leadership

Keynote: What would Florence do?

When did the health care crisis get to be a crisis? Was it last year with the capital crunch and reimbursement cutbacks? Was it the evolution of managed care and corporate medicine? Does it go back to when Medicare was established? What would Florence Nightingale say about the health care…

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By: OR Manager
April 1, 2010

Engaging your staff in hard times

An engaged workforce is more important than ever in the hard economic times facing OR managers and their facilities, says Jo Manion, RN, PhD, FAAN, NEA-BC, an author and management consultant. "A positive manager asks, 'How can we use this challenge?'" Manion told OR Manager in a June interview. Her…

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By: Kate McGraw
July 1, 2009

What quality award winners do to spark improvements in the OR

Similar to entertainers who appreciate having their work recognized with an Emmy or a Golden Globe, health care professionals appreciate awards that recognize their expertise. What is the secret of hospitals that consistently receive awards for quality? Insight comes from interviews with leaders at Poudre Valley Health System (PVHS) in…

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By: OR Manager
March 1, 2009

OR leaders converge on Washington, DC

In an election year, Washington, DC, is the focal point for leadership, so it's fitting that from Oct 29 to 31, it became a hub for OR nurse leaders from across the US and as far away as New Zealand. Nearly 800 OR managers and directors attended the 21st annual…

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By: OR Manager
December 1, 2008

Accountability key to survival from error

In leadership, accountability can't be delegated, says Commander Scott D Waddle, USN Ret—and sometimes that means acknowledging a tragic mistake. CDR Scott D. Waddle, USN (Ret) "The measure of a true leader is someone who can be accountable for the actions of a team," Waddle says. Waddle will present a…

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By: OR Manager
June 1, 2007

Resonant leaders' focus on strength, help foster hope and compassion

There is a difference between management and leadership, and the difference can be profound in team-based areas like OR suites, says Annie McKee. "People often have more opportunities to lead one another than we think they do. "If we build a team with resonant leadership, it's going to be more…

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By: Kate McGraw
May 1, 2007

Keynote: Great leaders keep great staff

What helps more than anything else to attract and keep a good staff? Make sure you have great team leaders and managers. And be sure they know managing people is a primary part of the job. Nothing is more important in helping to achieve the department's objectives than an engaged…

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By: OR Manager
April 1, 2007

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