A surprising 70% of respondents to the 2019 OR Manager Salary/Career Survey report overall satisfaction with their jobs—surprising in light of their significant workload, relatively flat salaries, number of staff vacancies, and industry-wide prevalence of clinician burnout. Burnout is defined as a state of physical or emotional exhaustion that also…
Recruitment is a daunting part of any OR leader’s job because of the time it takes to identify and evaluate candidates, who must then complete an extensive orientation program once they are hired. Part 1 of this three-part series covered marketing and application strategies for achieving recruitment goals (OR Manager,…
Salaries for ambulatory surgery center (ASC) leaders are down slightly, according to the OR Manager 2019 Salary/Career Survey, with slightly more than half of respondents (52%) earning $100,000 or more—a decline from 60% in 2018, 54% in 2017, and 53% in 2016. That dip may be contributing to corresponding lower…
Editor's Note This study finds that supportive leadership is the primary factor contributing to millennial nurses’ job satisfaction. Using data from 1,006 nurses in the Professional Practice Work Environment Inventory survey, researchers found that demographic factors (ie, age, gender, race, ethnicity, work status, and experience) accounted for just 2.6% of…
Editor's Note All levels of nurse leaders are at risk of burnout and must garner compassion satisfaction from different sources, including peer and staff interactions, this study finds. The Professional Quality of Life scale was given to 672 nurse leaders at 29 hospitals in one health system, and 16 leaders…
Staffing headaches for OR managers continue, according to the 2019 annual OR Manager Salary/Career Survey, with more than a third of respondents reporting that the percentage of open positions compared with 12 months ago has increased for both RNs and surgical technologists (STs). The clock has to be turned back…
Millennials will soon comprise 50% of the nursing workforce. They are sometimes criticized for lacking commitment because they change jobs more often than their older counterparts. Yet research finds patients are safer when nurses are satisfied with their work environments, so it would seem that newer nurses and nurse managers…
The ability to build relationships and trust is one of the key attributes of an outstanding leader. Vangie Dennis, MSN, RN, CNOR, CMLSO, winner of the 2019 OR Manager of the Year award, has made this the cornerstone of her career, inspiring people to follow in her footsteps. As executive…
Staffing remains an ongoing challenge for OR managers, according to the 2019 annual OR Manager Salary/Career Survey, with open positions and turnover creating headaches. Attracting and retaining top talent is a crucial part of any OR leader’s job. This three-part series explores successful recruitment strategies: marketing (Part 1), interviewing and…
Staffing remains a significant challenge for many leaders of ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs), according to the 2019 annual OR Manager Salary/Career Survey. Nearly a third (32%) of respondents reported more open RN positions, significantly higher than the 26% in 2018; over the past 5 years, only 2016 had a higher…