Editor's Note With millennials soon to make up 50% of the workforce, it is essential to recognize how the millennial nurses’ values and expectations shape their viewpoints to consider or reject leadership roles, this study finds. For the study, a national sample of 25 millennial nurse managers were interviewed on…
Editor's Note This Welltok survey of more than 1,000 workers found that 78% of millennials wanted their employers to do more to support their health and well-being. When millennials were questioned on incentives for participating in well-being programs: 64% favored additional vacation time 56% said wellness benefits 53% wanted flexible…
Current endoscope reprocessing methods are not consistently effective in eliminating organic soil or microbes, and the off-label use of products for defoaming, lubrication, and bleeding control may be contributing to reprocessing failures. Though endoscope manufacturers have cautioned against the use of these products, endoscopists still commonly use them, and many…
Our series on artificial intelligence (AI) concludes in this issue with part 2 of an in-depth look at legal and ethical questions (cover story) as well as advice for evaluating new AI products (“Consider all angles when choosing AI technology,” p 13). But insights about future trends like AI do…
Many OR managers have likely experienced bullying, incivility, or lateral violence at some point in their careers. For newer and more seasoned managers alike, advice for handling difficult people is always welcome, and attendees at the 2019 OR Manager Conference in New Orleans will gain some valuable insights from Barbara…
Editor's Note The development and retention of Millennial nurse managers is shaped by understanding the support variables that are important to them, this study finds. Interviews of a national sample of 25 Millennial nurse managers found they have a unique perspective on role expectations and support. Seven themes emerged: coming…
Editor's Note The Joint Commission on July 15 issued “Quick Safety 50 Developing resilience to combat nurse burnout.” Research indicates that resilience does more than prevent burnout, it fosters resources to combat workplace challenges. Resilience has several components, including: The ability to adapt in the face of adversity or significant…
Editor's Note Ambulatory surgery center (ASC) administrators and managers trying to keep pace with the rapid growth in their facilities will not want to miss the robust outpatient surgery education offered at the 2019 OR Manager Conference. On Tuesday, September 17, Beverly Kirchner, BSN, RN, CNOR, CASC, chief compliance officer…
Editor's Note With increasing numbers of nurse leaders approaching retirement, succession planning is a chief area of concern. To help bridge any potential leadership gap, the annual OR Manager Conference gears many of its sessions to new nurse managers with little to no management experience. Conference organizers have engaged veteran…
Editor's Note Leaders who sponsor other people in the workplace (ie, have a protégé) experience career benefits in the form of promotions or stretch assignments, the June 17 Harvard Business Review reports. A survey conducted for the book, “The Sponsor Effect: How to Be a Better Leader by Investing in…