Editor's Note A hospital’s safety culture may influence certain surgical patient outcomes, finds this study. A Safety Attitudes Questionnaire (SAQ), sent to administrators, quality improvement teams, nurses, anesthesiologists, and surgeons in 49 hospitals participating in the Illinois Surgical Quality Improvement Collaborative, found that OR safety culture had the highest scores…
San Diego in January is a place where many people would rather be, and the 475 healthcare business and industry leaders who gathered there for the 2019 OR Business Management Conference (ORBMC) enjoyed the mild climate along with high-quality presentations and fun networking events. Conference attendance rises each year, yet…
Managing the OR is similar to playing a game of poker. To win, a player must be able to read the others around the table, and to succeed, managers must be able to read their staff members and colleagues. Most importantly, they all must know the rules and when it’s…
Attendees at the annual OR Manager Conference have enjoyed the opportunity to ask experienced OR leaders questions about difficult managerial and clinical issues. The popularity of these “Ask Me Anything” sessions reflects the hunger for knowledge about how things are handled in ORs around the country, and they will be…
Editor's Note Understanding the levels and components of innovativeness can help nurse leaders affect change in themselves and their organizations, this study concludes. A total of 137 nurse leaders in executive and management positions were surveyed on their levels of innovativeness using the Scales for Measurement of Innovativeness. Of 137…
Editor's Note Nurse managers are recipients of workplace bullying, coming from executive nurse leaders, clinical nurses, and their management peers, this study finds. In this survey of nurse managers across the US, 35% said they had been a target of workplace bullying with severity levels ranging from occasional to severe.…
Editor's Note A new blog post featured in the Joint Commission’s "High Reliability Healthcare" examines four essential steps for developing a reporting culture and why they are important. The steps are: Establish trust: Leaders should help create personal responsibility by establishing clear performance expectations for employees in an environment where…
Each year at the OR Business Management Conference, an outstanding leader receives the Best in OR Business Award. The 2019 award will be presented to Tracy Raymond, MHA, BHA, CRCST, CHL, perioperative services business manager at Amita Health Saint Joseph Medical Center (formerly Presence Saint Joseph), a 480-bed hospital in…
Interest in the OR Business Management Conference has grown steadily in tandem with the number of proposals submitted each year. More than 400 individuals attended the conference in 2018, and they left with tools and strategies to implement in a variety of clinical settings upon their return. Feedback from attendees…
Music City welcomed 1,400 perioperative nurse leaders who attended the annual OR Manager Conference in September. A wealth of educational opportunities and a cultural extravaganza—including regional cuisine and the OR Manager’s Night Out at Nashville’s Musicians Hall of Fame—made the 31st conference a particularly memorable one. Volume and value…