Editor's Note The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Anthony Fauci says COVID-19 vaccine candidates will start moving into late-stage clinical trials by the end of July, continuing through the summer and into fall, the July 2 Reuters reports. The director of the National Institutes of Health, Dr…
Editor's Note The American Hospital Association on June 30 released a report on the financial strain facing hospitals and health systems because of COVID-19, with total losses expected to be at least $323 billion in 2020. The total included $120.5 billion in financial losses that hospitals are predicted to see…
Editor's Note Surgical mortality and complications were higher in patients with COVID-19, compared with those without COVID-19, this Italian study finds. In this cohort study of 41 surgical patients with COVID-19 and 82 matched control patients without COVID-19: 30-day mortality was significantly higher in COVID-19 patients (19.51% of COVID-19 patients…
Editor's Note The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on June 26 posted key updates for week 25, of the COVID-19 epidemic, ending June 20. The percentage of US deaths attributed to flu, pneumonia, or COVID-19 decreased for the ninth consecutive week to 6.9%, from 9.5% a week earlier.…
Editor's Note Harvard Medical School researchers are projecting that primary care practices will lose more than $15 billion by the end of the year. Because of the steep decline in office visits and fee for service payments from March to May, primary care practices are expected to lose more than…
Editor's Note The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on June 22 called for a renewed commitment to value-based care based on Medicare claims data that provides an early snapshot of the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Medicare population. Medicare patient data, from January 1 to May…
Editor's Note In this study, researchers from five universities confirm that a persistent cough and fever are the most prevalent symptoms of adults infected with COVID-19. However, there is a large proportion of people who have the virus but do not display symptoms. Among the findings of this analysis of…
Editor's Note The Joint Commission announced June 24 that it has revised its position statement on preventing nosocomial COVID-19 infections as healthcare organizations resume regular care delivery. The Joint Commission supports the following positions: Continuing to follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s recommendations for universal masking of staff, patients,…
Editor's Note Researchers from Florida Atlantic University’s College of Engineering and Computer Science and Schmidt College of Medicine (all in Boca Raton) announced on June 24 that they have received a 1-year, $90,000 National Science Foundation RAPID project grant to design a COVID-19 knowledge base and risk assessment tool powered…
Editor's Note This study from Mayo Clinic researchers finds that investigational COVID-19 convalescent plasma is safe following transfusion in 20,000 hospitalized patients. From April 3 to June 11, 2020, the 7-day mortality declined from 12% in the first 5,000 transfused patients to 8.6% in 15,000 subsequent patients. Mortality was higher…