Surgical site infections are multifactorial, and perioperative leaders often struggle with how to reduce or eliminate them. In 2013, after an unexplained increase in surgical site infections (SSIs) among patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty at our facility, we began to investigate the cause. A fairly robust ERAS (enhanced recovery after…
Editor's Note The Joint Commission on February 20 announced that it is seeking comments on a proposed element of performance (EP) for office-based surgery practices that provide fluoroscopy services. The new requirement−Environment of Care (EC) standard EC.02.02.01−addresses the monitoring of radiation exposure badges. The deadline for comments is March 29.
Editor's Note The Joint Commission on February 13 announced the revision of its Sentinel Event Alert on diagnostic radiation, which was updated to also address risks associated with fluoroscopy. The original Alert, “Issue 47: Radiation risks of diagnostic imaging and fluoroscopy was published in August 2011.
Editor's Note This meta-analysis found that a surgeon will have a sharps injury in about 1 in 10 surgical procedures. Of 45 studies analyzed, the incidence rate was 13.2 sharps injuries per 100 time-units. Per 100 person-years, the rate was 88.2 for self-reported injuries, 40.0 for perforations, and 5.8 for administrative…
Burnout and resiliency are addressed at nearly every major healthcare conference these days, and research on burnout ties it to adverse effects on healthcare providers as well as their patients. According to Bernadette Melnyk, PhD, RN, APRN-CNP, FNAAP, FNAP, FAAN, vice president for health promotion and university chief wellness officer,…
Injuries from needlesticks—whether from disposable syringes, IV catheters, or blood collection devices—accounted for more than 30% of all sharps injuries in 2016, especially among nurses. Injuries from skin injections alone accounted for 25.7% of all sharps injuries that year. And, for the first time, injuries occurring from suturing during procedures…
Editor's Note In this national study, physician burnout, fatigue, and work unit safety grades were associated with major medical errors. Of 6,695 physicians in active practice surveyed, 6,586 provided information: 54.3% reported symptoms of burnout 32.8% reported excessive fatigue 6.5% reported recent suicidal ideation 3.9% reported a poor or failing…
Editor's Note The Joint Commission on June 27 announced that the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) now requires employers (including many healthcare organizations) to report Form 300A data electronically because it no longer accepts paper submissions. Form 300A is a summary of serious work-related injuries and illnesses that occur…
Disruption in the healthcare setting occurs all too often and can be dangerous for patients and staff like. Part 1 of this series discussed some of the reasons behind the volatile behavior of patients or their families and provided a list of organizations with resources for managing the problem (OR…
Editor's Note On June 8, the American Hospital Association (AHA) is hosting its second annual Hospitals Against Violence National Day of Awareness, termed “#HAVhope Friday.” The day has been set aside to focus attention on how hospitals, health systems, and their caregivers work daily to end all forms of violence…