Tag: OR Managers

The 5 W's: A blueprint for counseling

OR managers who document their use of the "Five W's of Employee Counseling" will never lose a wrongful-termination suit, a veteran manager says. Heather Carelock, RN, MPA, CNOR, who has had 35 years of experience in managing ORs and surgical services, says she's learned the importance of a documentable, consistent…

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By: Kate McGraw
January 1, 2008

Leading with compassion and humor

"She walks the talk and always carries a bag of chocolate." This is how one staff member describes Barbara Johnson, RN, BSN, MHA, this year's OR Manager of the Year. The letters portray a director who leads with compassion, humor, and a passion for service. Barbara Johnson, RN, BSN, MHA…

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By: OR Manager
October 1, 2007

OR directors finding opportunity in interim management positions

One seasoned OR director found herself at a career crossroads a few years ago. "I'd had many roles over the years: staff nurse, manager, director, vice president," she says. "You get to a point where you've done everything and ask yourself, 'What do I do now?'" She knew a chief…

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By: Cynthia Saver, RN, MS
April 1, 2007

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