The poster presentations at the 2024 OR Manager Conference showcased exceptional perioperative initiatives, highlighting advancements and innovative practices. From streamlining documentation and optimizing billing processes to ensuring patient and staff safety in postanesthesia settings, the posters selected last year showed the ingenuity and dedication of healthcare professionals committed to excellence…
Editor's Note In this study, nurse researchers from DePaul University in Chicago document the emotions of 100 nurses throughout the US who cared for patients during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Among the findings: Nurses described many forms of frustration while providing patient care, such as frustration with healthcare…
Editor's Note The Joint Commission and the American Heart Association, on April 20, announced the launch of a Comprehensive Heart Attack Center certification program, which recognizes hospitals providing care to the most complex and critically ill patients. To be certified, hospitals must provide 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week on-site coverage for primary percutaneous…
Editor's Note This study from the University of Chicago finds that unvaccinated adults with prior COVID-19 infection had an 85% lower risk of acquiring COVID-19 again than unvaccinated adults without prior COVID-19. The researchers analyzed data from patients tested for COVID-19 at 1,300 sites of care in 6 western states…
Editor's Note The Joint Commission and National Quality Forum, on April 20, announced the 2021 recipients of the John M. Eisenberg Patient Safety and Quality Awards, which recognize major achievements by individuals and organizations to improve patient safety and healthcare quality. The awardees are: Individual Achievement Awardee: Hardeep Singh, MD,…
Editor's Note The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), on April 18, released the FY 2023 Medicare Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) proposed rule. The rule would increase payment rates by a net 3.2% for acute care hospitals that participate in the Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting Program and…
Editor's Note In an April 20 news release, ECRI announced the opening of its new state-of-the-art, global headquarters and medical device evaluation laboratory, which is on a 24-acre campus in the Philadelphia region. The headquarters also includes an environmental lab, an accident and forensic investigation lab, high-tech meeting rooms, and…
Editor's Note The American College of Surgeons (ACS) announced on April 14 that actors from two medical TV dramas are helping spread lifesaving STOP THE BLEED information to the people of Ukraine in a new Public Service Announcement (PSA). The PSA, which features Ryan Eggold from “New Amsterdam” (NBC/Universal) and…
Editor's Note Machine learning (ML) models designed by surgeons at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston show a high level of accuracy in predicting which types of patients are most likely to have a hernia recurrence or other complications after surgery in this study. Of 725…
Editor's Note The Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, is giving surgical patients an option to recover outside the hospital with comforts of home and with immediate access to a care team if needed. The Mayo Clinic program, called “Monitoring at Charter House,” allows physicians to arrange for US and international patients…