Tag: Patient Safety

Curbing OR traffic: Finding ways to minimize the flow of personnel

A traffic cop? Stop signs? Flashing lights? Is there a way to curb the number of people passing in and out of ORs during cases? The number during a lengthy major surgery can reach a dozen or more, with door openings every minute or two. Door openings affect the OR’s…

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By: OR Manager
June 11, 2012


Not far into a case, the circulating nurse calls for a missing instrument to be delivered. A nurse from the next OR comes in to fetch a piece of needed equipment. A student from a local nursing program is in the room observing. The surgeon has invited a visiting colleague…

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By: Or Manager
June 10, 2012

A cure for the distracted time-out before surgery

Does this ever happen in your OR? The circulating nurse calls for the time-out. But the team doesn’t seem to be focusing. Music is playing, an assistant is draping the C-arm, and team members are talking about the football game. The circulating nurse tries again and gives up. A cognitive…

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By: OR Manager
June 8, 2012

Malignant hyperthermia: A crisis response plan

Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is a genetic skeletal muscle disorder that is incited by anesthesia drugs including succinlycholine and inhaled anesthetic agents (Gurunluoglu et al, 2009; Hopkins, 2011; Kim et al, 2011). The disorder is particularly dangerous because it rapidly develops into a hypermetabolic state resulting in hyperpyrexia, tachycardia, and intense…

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By: OR Manager
June 5, 2012

The best solution to drug shortages: Anticipation

The downside of scientific advances is that we come to depend on them and assume they will always be available. In the case of lifesaving pharmaceutical products, that has not been true for a long time. Ambulatory surgery centers (ASC), because of their relatively low purchasing power and lack of…

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By: OR Manager
May 1, 2012

Smartphones, tablets in the OR: With benefits come distractions

Use of personal mobile devices is pervasive in surgery departments. As in the rest of life, they bring benefits but also risks, OR Manager found in an online survey. An overwhelming majority of respondents—86%—say they believe personal use of mobile devices in the OR sometimes distracts providers from patient care.…

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By: OR Manager
April 12, 2012

A clearer, more robust surgical consent process

A large Chicago-area health system has built a clearer, more robust process for resolving any discrepancies in the surgical consent prior to the day of surgery. Consent discrepancies are a risk factor for wrong-site surgery. “We realized that by the time the patient arrives in the surgery area, it is…

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By: OR Manager
April 4, 2012

Joint Commission tools to prevent wrong surgery

Surgical teams received more ammunition in their quest to avoid wrong-site surgery when the Joint Commission’s Center for Transforming Healthcare issued its latest set of guidelines, called the Targeted Solutions Tool (TST). Released February 14, 2012, the TST is available free to Joint Commission-accredited hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs).…

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By: OR Manager
April 2, 2012

Capnography: New standard of care for sedation?

Capnography—is it the standard of care for patients having moderate sedation? Should capnographic monitoring be added for procedures performed under moderate sedation in areas like the preop holding area, GI endoscopy unit, and cath lab? The issue is generating discussion following an update in the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA)…

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By: OR Manager
March 4, 2012

Joint Commission targets fatigue from clinicians' extended hours

In a new alert, the Joint Commission adds its voice to calls to curb fatigue from extended work days and work hours. The alert highlights evidence linking fatigue to adverse events and outlines actions organizations can take to mitigate fatigue, especially among nurses and physicians. The commission says the alert…

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By: OR Manager
February 9, 2012

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