By 2024, the demand for registered nurses in the US will top 1 million, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), with the largest gaps seen in hospitals in the South and West. The RN workforce is expected to grow 16%, from 2.7 million in 2014 to 3.2 million…
The loss of experienced nurse leaders to Baby Boomer retirement has been a concern for the past several years. A total of 17% of respondents to the 2017 OR Manager Salary/Career survey said they plan to retire sometime in 2018 to 2020, so grooming their successors should already be well…
Editor's Note Encouraging words are more appreciated when they are informal and specific in their praise, reports the May 15 Fast Company online. A few ways for managers to put this into practice include: Showing appreciation for an idea not just in meetings but during impromptu interactions, like corridor conversations.…
All of the keynote presentations at the 2017 OR Manager Conference offered much food for thought, but probably the most memorable one was Cy Wakeman’s riveting talk on the impact of “drama” in the workplace. That resonated with OR leaders who struggle against the tide of negative attitudes among their…
A perioperative staffing schedule that meets coverage needs during high- and low-volume times and satisfies the demand for better work-life balance can be difficult to achieve. To help meet these challenges in its 50-room OR, the perioperative services department at Vanderbilt Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee, designed a perioperative float…
Just as nursing schools don’t include the operating room in their curriculums, they also don’t include any instruction on the postanesthesia care unit (PACU). And like the OR, the PACU is having trouble recruiting new nurses. In September 2015, Houston Methodist Hospital began a PACU residency program to train new…
Creating a more harmonious work environment is a struggle for some OR leaders. Tips on how to achieve this were offered during the 2017 OR Manager Conference and the 2018 OR Business Management Conference (ORBMC), and we share some of these in the March issue. A dysfunctional atmosphere in the…
Disengagement costs organizations money through lost productivity, not to mention the risk of errors that a disengaged workforce brings. Yet in August 2017, Gallup reported that only 32% of people are engaged at work. Much of disengagement can be traced to what Cy Wakeman, president and founder of Reality-Based Leadership,…
The leadership gap expected to occur when Baby Boomers retire leaves many OR managers worried about succession planning. About 40% of respondents to the annual OR Manager Salary/Career Survey plan to retire between now and 2026. By 2020, about half of all nurses will be Millennials, according to the literature.…
Where will new OR nurses come from in the future? Some OR leaders are answering that question with nurse externship programs for students. Although they require an initial investment, these programs can ultimately pay off financially. Externs who decide to train for the OR tend to be happy with their…