Will your preoperative process need to accommodate screening for MRSA? More hospitals are looking at whether to test presurgical patients for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, at least for certain procedures, such as those with implants. Evidence shows that patients colonized with MRSA are more likely to develop an infection than those…
Updated guidelines for the preoperative cardiac evaluation and care of patients having noncardiac surgery have been issued by the American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association. The revision is the first since 2002. The guidelines include an updated algorithm for perioperative management. One recommendation is that patients not stop…
Momentum is gathering to extend preoperative briefings. OR teams already must pause before the incision to verify the surgical site. Now some experts would like to see these briefings expanded to include other critical aspects of the procedure. A new study from Johns Hopkins Medicine published in February found OR…
Amissing consent form. A patient who arrives on the morning of surgery needing a cardiac work-up. A history and physical absent from the chart. A lab result that isn't available. Difficulty coordinating the preanesthesia evaluation. Preop process articles Page 10: What works to smooth preop process? Page 14: Role of…
What role does a preoperative clinic play in addressing medical problems that could cause delays or cancellations if patients aren't assessed until the day of surgery? In a new study, researchers conducted a 3-month retrospective review of records of more than 5,000 patients seen in the preop clinic at Brigham…
Three organizations describe steps they've taken to improve their preoperative processes. Close ties with MD offices Piedmont Hospital Atlanta500 beds, 21 inpatient and 8 outpatient ORs24,000 cases per year A close relationship with physicians' offices keeps the preop process on track at this urban facility. The relationships were forged 15…
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a final rule Nov 27 revising certain parts of the Medicare hospital conditions of participation. The rule covers histories & physicals (H&Ps), authentication of verbal orders, medication security, and postanesthesia evaluations. The revisions, effective Jan 26, 2007, apply to inpatient and…