Nearly a third (30%) of ambulatory surgery center (ASC) leaders have experienced layoffs of direct care staff during the past year, according to the 2020 annual OR Manager Salary/Career Survey, up from a mere 4% in 2019. COVID-19 is the likely culprit: Most of the comments received in response to…
Conscientious leaders strive for excellence and have high expectations of everyone around them. If you are like me, you may have been told at times to lower your expectations. But I believe if you raise the bar, people worth retaining will meet the bar if they have the support to…
Anyone who attends the OR Manager Conference can expect a rich educational experience that will help them be better leaders. In-depth preconference workshops, breakout sessions, and opportunities to explore the latest technology are tailored to provide solutions to the problems all OR managers face. The conference typically ends on a…
For decades, the OR Manager Conference has been a highlight of the year. This year, in the tumult of the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference will offer a welcome change of scene, fresh perspectives, and valuable insights for OR nurse leaders at all stages of their careers. The conference currently is…
Editor’s note: This editorial is by Judy Mathias, OR Manager’s clinical editor. It is adapted from remarks made in a webinar presented by DLA Piper in partnership with the Cohen Group, titled, “Looking forward: COVID-19 and its implications for global business and international cooperation.” The speakers were General James Mattis,…
Bullying and incivility have long been pervasive in healthcare, particularly in nursing. Additional stressors related to COVID-19 have worsened things in many facilities. “When there’s a crisis, we see the best in people and the worst,” says Renee Thompson, DNP, RN, CSP. “On social media, we’re seeing a lot of…
Everyone has had bad days at work when they may have felt frustrated, sad, angry, stressed, afraid, nauseated, sick, or overwhelmed. Why do some move from experiencing a terrible day at work to leaving the organization, whereas others pull themselves together? How do we rally from burnout, disappointment, frustration, and…
Editor's Note On May 12, California's Governor Gavin Newsom announced that California pharmacists will be allowed to collect specimens and order COVID-19 tests. Specimens will be are processed at public health, university, or commercial labs. The move is an effort to increase the state’s testing capacity as it modifies its…
Editor's Note This year, the American Nurses Association has extended the traditional National Nurses Week to a month of recognition, May 1-31. National Nurses Day, May 6, marks the beginning of National Nurses Week, which ends on May 12, the 200th anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birthday. This year’s theme is “Nurses…
Traditional patient care challenges have risen to a whole new level in the wake of COVID-19. Healthcare providers have assumed new roles and performed tasks they never imagined doing. With conditions and expectations changing daily if not hourly, one thing that hasn’t changed is the need to provide safe patient…