Editor's Note The American Nurses Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the American Nurses Association (ANA), has launched the Coronavirus Response Fund for Nurses, enabling the public to demonstrate their support and thank nurses. The fund will address identified, emerging needs of nurses by: providing direct assistance to nurses serving on…
Editor's Note This first preliminary description of outcomes in COVID-19 patients in the US between February 12 and March 16, 2020, indicates that fatalities were: 10% to 27% in patients aged 85 or more 3% to 11% in patients aged 65-84 years 1% to 3% in patients aged 55-64 years…
Professionalism may not be a concept OR leaders consciously think about, but they should. As role models for their staffs, they set the behavior standards for the OR, and failure to insist on professionalism can be damaging. Professionalism is not defined simply by dress or presentation, says David A. Wyatt,…
April OR Manager draws on some of the content presented at the 2020 OR Business Management Conference in January and the 2019 OR Manager Conference, which took place last September. OR Business Management Conference attendees start each year with a look at the latest technology, reimbursement models, and emerging trends…
Editor's Note Social media use among nurses is common, but social media perceptions and practices vary considerably, this study finds. In this survey of 397 nurses in a large academic medical center, 87% reported using a social media account currently. Increasing age was linked to decreasing frequency of social media…
Editor's Note This study from Linda Aiken, PhD, and colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, found that high levels of nurse burnout are associated with lower patient satisfaction. In this analysis of nurse burnout and patient satisfaction in 463 hospitals in four states, 50% of the hospitals where burnout…
Editor's Note Authentic leadership was the Healthy Work Environment (HWE) standard that most significantly correlated with nurse burnout and was the strongest predictor of compassion fatigue and secondary traumatic stress in this study. Nurses in four adult critical care units of a single facility were surveyed on the relationship between…
High rates of burnout among healthcare providers—between 35% and 54% of US nurses and physicians, and between 45% and 60% of medical students and residents—have raised concerns about patient and provider safety. Burnout, a psychological syndrome featuring emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and a reduced sense of personal accomplishment, is increasingly prevalent…
This isn’t the first time OR Manager has addressed burnout and the need for greater resiliency, and it probably won’t be the last, judging by the pervasiveness of this problem. But the good news is, peer support programs—in addition to other resources—show promise for helping people get through tough times…
Implementation of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Health System in Richmond has been achieved through project and change management tools that transform the current state to the desired future state. To hardwire ERAS protocols in the OR as well as the ambulatory and acute care…