Editor's Note The American Organization of Nurse Executives (AONE) on May 5 announced that it is changing its name to the American Organization for Nursing Leadership (AONL). The name change, which was announced at AONE’s annual meeting, also comes with a new tagline−Education Advocacy Community. The organization says the new…
Editor's Note The nurse work environment is associated with the quality of nursing care, nurse job outcomes, patient outcomes, and patient satisfaction, this study finds. This meta-analysis of 17 articles that reported data from 2,677 hospitals, 141 nursing units, 165,024 nurses, and 1,368,420 patients, in 22 countries found consistent, significant…
Editor's Note National Nurses Week begins each year on May 6 and ends on May 12, Florence Nightingale’s birthday. National Nurses Week is celebrated annually to raise awareness of the important role nurses play in society. This year’s theme is “Four Million Reasons to Celebrate.” The American Nurses Association has…
Artificial intelligence (AI) seems to pop up in headlines nearly every day. With applications ranging from individual nutritional guidance to prediction of premature death, ever-evolving computer-based algorithms present intriguing possibilities for the future of healthcare. Depending on how proactive your facility is and how rich in resources, you may already…
Compassion fatigue can come into play at any stage of nurses’ careers. Nursing is growing at a faster rate than other occupations, but it carries a high risk for burnout. Loss of job satisfaction, job-related distress, or perhaps exposure to too many traumatic events can threaten the ability of staff…
Editor's Note Congratulations to the newly elected AORN officers for 2019-2020: President-elect: David A. Wyatt, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, CNOR Treasurer: Vangie Dennis, BSN, RN, CNOR, CMLSO Board of Directors: Nakeisha M. Archer, MBA, RN, NE-BC, CNOR, CSSM; Vicki J. Barnett, MSN, RN, CNOR; William Duffy, MJ, RN, CNOR, FAAN; Brenda…
Editor's Note Generational and cultural differences may affect an RN’s job satisfaction and intent to stay, and nurse leaders must reassess staff satisfaction beyond mandatory annual staff engagement surveys, this study finds. An online survey of 309 RNs at a tertiary care hospital in south Texas found that: Millennials anticipate…
Editor's Note Better work environments are associated with lower odds of negative outcomes ranging from job dissatisfaction to patient mortality, finds this meta-analysis from the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing. This analysis of data from 2,677 hospitals, 141 nursing units, 165,024 nurses, and 1,368,420 patients in 22 countries found…
Managing the OR is similar to playing a game of poker. To win, a player must be able to read the others around the table, and to succeed, managers must be able to read their staff members and colleagues. Most importantly, they all must know the rules and when it’s…
Attendees at the annual OR Manager Conference have enjoyed the opportunity to ask experienced OR leaders questions about difficult managerial and clinical issues. The popularity of these “Ask Me Anything” sessions reflects the hunger for knowledge about how things are handled in ORs around the country, and they will be…