Interest in the OR Business Management Conference has grown steadily in tandem with the number of proposals submitted each year. More than 400 individuals attended the conference in 2018, and they left with tools and strategies to implement in a variety of clinical settings upon their return. Feedback from attendees…
Editor's Note A nurse’s ability to provide optimal patient care is influenced by a variety of factors, not just nurse to patient ratios, this study finds. In this study of 136 neonatal intensive care nurses caring for 418 infants during 332 12-hour shifts, subjective workload was the one variable that…
Editor's Note Every year, Perioperative Nurse Week focuses attention on the work of more than 160,000 nurses who advocate for surgical patients. During the week, perioperative nurses are honored by colleagues and communities to highlight the ways in which nurses are working to improve patient safety−before, during, and after surgery−in…
Editor's Note In this study, nurses with bachelor’s degrees were found to be significantly better prepared than nurses with associate degrees in 5 of 16 test topics between 2007 and 2008, and in 12 of 16 topics between 2014 and 2015. Researchers tested the quality and safety educational preparedness differences…
Editor's Note The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on October 18 announced $293 million in awards to primary healthcare clinicians and students through the National Health Service Corps (NHSC) and Nurse Corps programs. These programs provide scholarships and loan repayment to healthcare providers in exchange for working in…
Music City welcomed 1,400 perioperative nurse leaders who attended the annual OR Manager Conference in September. A wealth of educational opportunities and a cultural extravaganza—including regional cuisine and the OR Manager’s Night Out at Nashville’s Musicians Hall of Fame—made the 31st conference a particularly memorable one. Volume and value…
Attendees of the 2018 OR Manager Conference likely went home feeling inspired and recharged, but it can be hard to hold onto that enthusiasm over time. Our conference highlights article (cover) may jog their memories and, we hope, will reinvigorate their passion to excel as leaders. Every OR Manager Conference…
Editor's Note Organizational support initiatives and authentic leadership training for nurse leaders reduced bullying among licensed practical nurses (LPNs) in this study. A survey was sent to a random sample of 855 LPNs that was drawn from a total of 4,306 in a Midwestern state; 168 usable questionnaires were returned…
Editor's Note Rebecca Wiseman, PhD, RN, associate professor and chair of the University of Maryland School of Nursing at the Universities at Shady Grove, has been awarded a grant to establish the Maryland Nursing Workforce Center at the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB), according to an October 8 news release.…
Editor's Note The Women’s Choice Award announced on October 1 the Best Children’s Hospitals for 2019. The select group were chosen from nearly 60 Children’s Hospitals in the nation and represent those that have met the highest standards for childcare. Award winners include: Children’s Hospital & Medical Center, Omaha Connecticut…