Just as nursing schools don’t include the operating room in their curriculums, they also don’t include any instruction on the postanesthesia care unit (PACU). And like the OR, the PACU is having trouble recruiting new nurses. In September 2015, Houston Methodist Hospital began a PACU residency program to train new…
Disengagement costs organizations money through lost productivity, not to mention the risk of errors that a disengaged workforce brings. Yet in August 2017, Gallup reported that only 32% of people are engaged at work. Much of disengagement can be traced to what Cy Wakeman, president and founder of Reality-Based Leadership,…
An organization’s culture is shaped by the collective attitudes and behaviors of the people who work there, and if no one is willing to make personal changes, no program of the month is likely to have a lasting impact. To change their attitudes and behaviors, people must be made aware…
The Best in OR Business Award will be presented to Karlene Power, MSN, BSN, RN, at the 2018 OR Business Management Conference in San Antonio on February 1. Power already has been recognized for her outstanding work at Banner Health in Phoenix, where she is system executive director, perioperative service…
Editor's Note A structured nursing leadership development program that included a Web-based modular approach combined with engaged nursing executive mentorship significantly increased the competence of developing nurse leaders, in this study. The program involved nurses in a large academic health system in the southeastern US in the following roles: Clinical…
Editor's Note New York is the first state to require new nurses to obtain a bachelor’s degree or higher in nursing within 10 years of initial licensure, the January 2 HealthLeaders Media reports. The legislation takes effect immediately; however, the degree requirement does not start for 30 months. The new…
Session evaluations from the 2017 OR Manager Conference attendees gave uniformly high marks to the keynote speakers. A common theme in many of their presentations was workplace attitudes. They discussed challenges such as converting the disengaged to the highly engaged employee, and fostering a sense of ownership. A workshop on…
Just culture has become a bit of a buzzword, so it’s worth revisiting what the term truly means and how it can be implemented and sustained. Although it’s a powerful tool for improving patient safety, just culture is effective only when leaders set expectations for processes and behavior, and address…
Editor's Note Every year, Perioperative Nurse Week focuses attention on the work of more than 160,000 nurses who advocate for surgical patients. During the week, perioperative nurses are honored by colleagues and communities to highlight the ways in which nurses are working to improve patient safety−before, during, and after…
More than 1,350 perioperative nurse leaders from across the US and other countries gathered in Orlando, Florida, October 2-4 for the 30th annual OR Manager Conference. The celebration of this milestone anniversary coincided with the inaugural postanesthesia care unit (PACU) Manager Summit, which brought together more than 250 leaders. Many…