Editor's Note An artificial intelligence (AI) tool that analyzes CT scans of the chest was 75% accurate in determining COVID-19 patients who required ventilators, the April Radiology Business reports. Researchers at Cleveland’s Case Western Reserve University built the tool using scans and datasets from the web, COVID-19 chest images from…
Editor's Note: A research team led by the University of Singapore has developed an artificial intelligence (AI) platform called, “IDentif.AI” (Indentifying Infectious Disease Combination Therapy with Artificial Intelligence) to increase efficiency in the development of treatments that combine several different drugs. The researchers selected 12 drugs that are viable candidates…
Editor's Note: Epic’s deterioration index, an artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning-based system that can predict which patients with COVID-19 could become seriously ill, has been put into use at hospitals nationwide, the April 24 STAT reports. Though normally hospitals would take weeks or months to test a new tool on…
Editor's Note COVID-19 may predispose patients to venous and arterial thrombotic disease because of excessive inflammation, platelet activation, endothelial dysfunction, and stasis, this study finds. Though a recent document from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicates an increased risk of severe COVID-19 in patients receiving antiplatelet agents and…
Editor's Note The Joint Commission on April 23 announced that it supports the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s new recommendations that healthcare facilities “. . . implement source control for everyone entering a healthcare facility (eg, healthcare personnel, patients, visitors), regardless of symptoms . . .” Source control involves…
Editor's Note Alterations in smell or taste were frequently reported in mildly symptomatic patients with COVID-19 infection and often were the first apparent symptom, this study finds. In this telephone survey of 202 COVID-19 outpatients, 130 (64.4%) reported an altered sense of smell or taste. Of these, 45 (34.6%) also…
The COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented strains on hospitals and healthcare systems, leaving many organizations with limited resources to care for severely ill patients. States, regions, hospitals, and health systems have had to reassess their resources, identify bottlenecks, and develop strategies for increasing critical care capacity. Creating the critical care…
OR nurses are being asked to serve in positions outside the operating room and experiencing changes in their schedules, and they are concerned about the uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. To support OR nurses during this time of crisis, AORN has been holding town hall Q&A webinars with infection preventionists,…
The impact of COVID-19 has been devastating, especially for those who have lost loved ones or income due to sudden unemployment. For healthcare workers and emergency services providers, fear of contracting the disease is now a daily part of life. The virus has commanded exclusive coverage in OR a.m. for…
Traditional patient care challenges have risen to a whole new level in the wake of COVID-19. Healthcare providers have assumed new roles and performed tasks they never imagined doing. With conditions and expectations changing daily if not hourly, one thing that hasn’t changed is the need to provide safe patient…