A kanban system seems like a logical method for managing surgical supplies. But it needs a strong foundation to be successful. Kanban, a Lean manufacturing method, relies on visual signals and standard work (related articles). The idea is to be able to tell at a glance that you have what…
Opening a new hospital gave a New York health system an opportunity to take a fresh approach to the OR supply chain. The 483-bed Orange Regional Medical Center, with 12 ORs, opened in 2011, consolidates surgical volume from 2 smaller hospitals. The Orange Regional Medical Center is part of the…
If you opened a supply cabinet in one of your ORs, what would you find? For many, the answer might be, “a mess.” That was the situation for Martin Memorial Health Systems, Stuart, Florida. Even though the supply cabinets had par levels, when a supply was running low, clinicians would…
Stock-outs were the “burning platform” that caused staff and managers to jump into a 2-year project to overhaul a 22-room OR’s supply management. The previous “system” had been a dissatisfier for OR clinicians and supply staff. Supplies in the OR storeroom weren’t kept in any order. Reordering was hit or…
NSQIP—you see those initials more and more in studies on surgical quality. NSQIP stands for the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program from the American College of Surgeons (ACS). NSQIP is gathering momentum, with 475 hospitals enrolled. Benefits are credible data for improving surgical outcomes and the buy-in from surgeons. By…