Tag: Reimbursement

Study identifies high-risk groups for readmissions

Editor's Note Comparing rates, characteristics, and costs of hospital readmissions across all ages and insurance types, researchers from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, found that of more than 12.5 million patients discharged in 2013, approximately 1.8 million were readmitted within 30 days. Medicare patients accounted for 56% of readmissions,…

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By: Judy Mathias
July 11, 2017

Survey finds compensation key to physician retention

Editor's Note In the annual Physician Practice Preference & Relocation Survey from The Medicus Firm, nearly 3 in 10 physicians say concerns about appropriate compensation is the primary reason they would consider a career change, the July 5 FierceHealthcare reports. More than 17% of respondents say they will “likely” or…

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By: Judy Mathias
July 11, 2017

Survey: Physicians unprepared for MACRA

Editor's Note A survey of 1,000 physicians by the American Medical Association and KPMG finds that fewer than one in four believe they are well prepared to meet the 2017 requirements of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA), KPMG.com reported on June 28. MACRA reshapes how…

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By: Judy Mathias
July 5, 2017

Value-based purchasing not linked to improvements in quality

Editor's Note In this study, Medicare’s Hospital Value-Based Purchasing (HVBP) program was not associated with improvements in quality measures of clinical process or patient experience. HVBP also was not associated with a significant reduction in two of three mortality measures (ie, acute myocardial infarction or heart failure). It was associated…

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By: Judy Mathias
June 16, 2017

Half million providers to get 2% cut in Medicare payments

Editor's Note More than 500,000 physicians and other providers will get a 2% cut in their Medicare payments because of poor performance in the Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS), the June 13 Modern Healthcare reports. The penalties are based on 2015 claims data. Though Medicare is phasing out PQRS and…

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By: Judy Mathias
June 14, 2017

Relationship between bariatric surgery outcomes and Medicare expenditures

Editor's Note Medicare payments for bariatric surgery are significantly lower at hospitals with low complication rates, and cost savings are most prominent in patients at highest risk for complications, this study finds. The analysis of 38,374 bariatric surgery patients found a strong correlation between complication rates and episode payments−hospitals in…

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By: Judy Mathias
June 12, 2017

Value-based reforms linked to readmission reduction

Editor's Note Hospital participation in value-based reforms was associated with greater reductions in 30-day readmissions, this study finds. In this analysis of 2,837 hospitals between 2008 and 2015, researchers found that participation in one or more voluntary Medicare value-based reforms, which included the Meaningful Use of Electronic Health Records program,…

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By: Judy Mathias
June 6, 2017

US Representatives ask Secretary Price’s assistance with ASC inflationary update measure

Editor's Note A bipartisan group of 24 US Representatives sent a letter to Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price, MD, on May 26 asking him to use his statutory authority to move ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) from the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) to…

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By: Judy Mathias
June 6, 2017

CMS issues guide for quality payment programs

Editor's Note The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has issued a guide summarizing technical assistance resources available to small, underserved, and rural hospitals participating in the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) and the Advanced Alternative Payment Model (AAPM). The guide also provides resources for quality innovation networks and…

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By: Judy Mathias
June 2, 2017

Study: QI measures reduce readmissions, cost savings vary

Editor's Note Quality improvement (QI) measures can be effective in reducing readmissions, relative to the status quo, but cost savings vary, this meta-analysis finds. In this review of 50 QI studies, interventions reduced readmissions by an average of 12.1% for heart failure patients and 6.3% among the general population. However,…

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By: Judy Mathias
June 1, 2017

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