Tag: Safety

Keeping it low: Protecting teams from radiation during surgery

With more minimally invasive surgery, the C-arm has become a regular resident in the OR. Surgeons rely on imaging during cases to guide implant placement and other critical aspects of surgery. How much radiation are OR teams being exposed to, and what safety measures should they be taking? Safety pointers…

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By: OR Manager
December 1, 2008

Keynote: Technology could aid safety

In the future, patient safety is likely to be as much a part of education for the surgical team as dissection, suturing, and aseptic technique. Simulation labs are one way OR teams will learn to communicate more effectively and prevent errors. Simulation is playing an increasing role in the education…

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By: OR Manager
February 1, 2008

Surgeon leads effort for safer surgery

If you look behind some of the major studies on patient safety in surgery, you'll find a common name—Atul Gawande, MD, MPH. He led the well-known 2003 study documenting the incidence of retained items in surgery. He's just finished a clinical study of a bar code technology to aid sponge…

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By: Pat Patterson
May 1, 2007

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