Throughput inefficiencies are a growing problem in surgical services departments. Patients are held in the OR because there is no room in the postanesthesia care unit (PACU), and patients are held in the PACU because there are no beds available in the patient care unit or because outpatients having major…
The pace of increased surgical volume has slowed, but continues to trend upward, according to the 2017 annual OR Manager Salary/Career Survey. The volume of surgical procedures in the past 12 months increased for 43% of respondents, the same as in 2015, but was down from the 51% reported last…
Hiring experienced staff remains a challenge for leaders in ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) even as many organizations increase case volume and specialties, according to the 2017 annual OR Manager Salary/Career Survey. More than two-thirds (67%) of respondents said that recruiting experienced RNs had become more difficult in the past 12…
Leaders seeking competent staff for the OR are increasingly training their own. These internal programs, typically targeted toward both new graduates and nurses without previous OR experience, require planning, organization, and follow-through. “You need to integrate the didactic with the clinical setting,” says Ellen Lord, MS, RN, CNOR, a perioperative…
Editor's Note A new Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center study finds that the body repairs DNA damage more efficiently if workers sleep during the night than if they sleep during the day. Unrepaired DNA damage can lead to cancer and other health problems. Using urine specimens collected during night work…
Editor's Note Hospital employment rose 0.15% in May to a seasonally adjusted 5,104,400 workers, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported on June 2. This is 7,400 more employees than in April and 95,500 more than a year ago. The nation’s unemployment rate fell by 0.1% in May to 4.3%.…
Perioperative services is a key driver for financial performance, and efficient use of space and staffing is vital in the current era of declining reimbursement. A bottleneck in any of the three phases of surgery—pre-, intra-, and postoperative—can result in long delays as well as surgeon, anesthesiologist, and staff anxiety…
Projections of growth in nursing over the next several years seem to belie the shortage forecast just a few years ago. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of registered nurses is projected to grow 16% between 2014 and 2024. And by 2025, says a report from the…
Accurate OR case scheduling is a key performance indicator that is challenging to manage. The published literature often focuses on scheduling algorithms using historical data, the surgeon’s own estimate, or a mix of similar procedures. This mathematical approach neglects the cultural, economic, behavioral, and process challenges that impact attempts to…
Editor's Note In this study, discontinuity in nursing care was high and negatively impacted patient outcomes. The analysis of 3,892 medical-surgical inpatients found that discontinuity of nursing care declined from nearly 100% in the first 24 hours, to 70% at 36 hours, and to 50% by the 10th postadmission day.…