Tag: Stress

Hospital employment up in November

Editor's Note Employment in US hospitals was up 4,700 jobs in November to a seasonally adjusted 5,160,800, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported on December 4. That’s down 76,000 employees than a year ago. Overall, healthcare employment is at 15,979,800, which has decreased 439,400 in the past year. The overall…

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By: Judy Mathias
December 8, 2020

Huddles may be the best way for healthcare workers to communicate during COVID-19

Editor's Note Brief huddles, rather than a barrage of emails and texts about safety and risk may be the fastest and simplest way for healthcare workers to avoid communication overload from COVID-19, this study from Baylor University reports. Interviews of 40 workers in two hospitals found the following: Healthcare workers…

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By: Judy Mathias
December 7, 2020

66 hospitals suspending elective surgical procedures

Editor's Note In response to an increase in hospitalized COVID-19 patients, 66 hospitals have postponed or cancelled elective surgical procedures in an effort to free up space and ensure enough staff and PPE are available, the November 24 Becker’s Hospital Review reports. All of the hospitals are in the Midwest…

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By: Judy Mathias
November 30, 2020

ACS, ASA, AORN call for centralized, coordinated governmental action for COVID-19

Editor's Note In a November 23 letter to federal government leaders, the American College of Surgeons (ACS), American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA), and Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN) asked officials “to act collectively and quickly in support of hospitals and healthcare providers as they continue to struggle in response…

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By: Judy Mathias
November 30, 2020

Hospitals understaffed for COVID-19 surge

Editor's Note Demand for temporary nursing staff is on the rise as COVID-19 cases surge across the country, the November 13 Healthcare Dive reports. Surge capacity plans include the following: Utah-based Intermountain Healthcare is hiring 200 traveling nurses. The 24-hospital system also brought on 31 nurses from New York-Presbyterian, a…

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By: Judy Mathias
November 17, 2020

Nurses’ union survey reveals lack of preparation for COVID-19, flu season

Editor's Note A new nationwide survey by National Nurses United of more than 15,000 RNs finds that hospitals are failing to prepare for a surge of COVID-19 during flu season. Among the nurses’ complaints: inappropriate pursuit of profits resulting in lack of proper infection control measures ongoing issues of both…

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By: Judy Mathias
November 17, 2020

Patient-preference playlists improve pre- and postop experiences

Streaming music apps and access to music through smartphones and similar devices make it easy to provide many different genres of music and modalities that can ease surgical patients’ fears. The use of music in both pre- and postoperative settings has been extensively researched, but less is known about how…

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By: Judith M. Mathias, MA, RN
November 17, 2020


Most respondents to a July 2020 American Organization for Nursing Leadership survey said they felt prepared for a future surge of COVID-19. That future is now, with nearly 150,000 new cases being reported daily across the country and multiple hospitals at capacity. Survey respondents said their biggest challenges early in…

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By: Elizabeth Wood
November 17, 2020

CDC: Impact of COVID-19 stress on children’s mental health

Editor's Note The number of children’s mental health emergency department (ED) visits decreased sharply from mid-March through early April 2020, coincident with the implementation of community mitigation measures enacted to prevent COVID-19 transmission, and then visits increased steadily through October, this study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention…

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By: Judy Mathias
November 16, 2020

Job insecurity linked to anxiety, depression in young adults during COVID-19

Editor's Note New research from the University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston; and University of California, San Francisco; finds that young adults in the US are experiencing a significant mental health burden as a result of job insecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic. The analysis shows that since…

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By: Judy Mathias
November 12, 2020

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