Editor's Note Failure to debrief after critical events is common in anesthesia trainees and teams, and communication breakdowns are associated with the failure to debrief, this study finds. Over a 1-year period at a large academic medical center, anesthesiology residents and some attending anesthesiologists were audited and/or interviewed about the…
Editor's Note Nurse managers are recipients of workplace bullying, coming from executive nurse leaders, clinical nurses, and their management peers, this study finds. In this survey of nurse managers across the US, 35% said they had been a target of workplace bullying with severity levels ranging from occasional to severe.…
Editor's Note Though physician burnout and satisfaction with work-life integration are improving, physicians remain at high risk for burnout, compared to workers in other fields, this study finds. Researchers from the Mayo Clinic, Stanford University, and the American Medical Association surveyed 30,456 US physicians in more than 20 specialties; 5,197…
Editor's Note The personality quality termed “grit” was associated with longevity as a leader, higher educational attainment, and reduced burnout in nurse leaders in this study. A survey of nurse leaders across the US measuring grit (ie, courage and resolve, strength of character) and well-being found that grit was significantly…
Editor's Note In this study, a multimodal program that included education, role-play, and debriefing resulted in a lower prevalence of job stress in intensive care unit (ICU) nurses. A total of 198 ICU nurses from 8 hospitals in France were randomized to the multimodal program intervention group (101 nurses) or…
Editor's Note A nurse’s ability to provide optimal patient care is influenced by a variety of factors, not just nurse to patient ratios, this study finds. In this study of 136 neonatal intensive care nurses caring for 418 infants during 332 12-hour shifts, subjective workload was the one variable that…
Editor's Note This study from the University of Texas El Paso School of Nursing finds that students who were exposed to a higher number of adverse childhood experiences (eg, abuse, neglect, family dysfunction) had higher levels of burnout and depression. A survey of 211 students enrolled in the first semester…
Editor's Note Symptoms of burnout and career choice regret were prevalent in resident physicians but varied substantially by specialty, this study fines. In this prospective analysis of 3,588 second-year residents, symptoms of burnout occurred in 45.2% and career choice regret occurred in 14.1%. There were wide differences of prevalence by specialty,…
In this issue’s 2018 OR Manager Salary/Career survey results, just over two-thirds of respondents report overall job satisfaction, but some see the lack of staff and support from superiors as chief gaps in what OR managers need to be successful (cover story). The relatively high job satisfaction rate is encouraging,…
Burnout and resiliency are addressed at nearly every major healthcare conference these days, and research on burnout ties it to adverse effects on healthcare providers as well as their patients. According to Bernadette Melnyk, PhD, RN, APRN-CNP, FNAAP, FNAP, FAAN, vice president for health promotion and university chief wellness officer,…