Tag: Stress

Laryngospasms to sing at conference

Working in the OR can be intense and stressful. Music and humor are proven antidotes. A group of nurse anesthetists discovered that when they sang "Breakin' Up is Hard to Do" at a Christmas party at the Minneapolis School of Anesthesia in 1990. One of the students came up and…

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By: OR Manager
July 1, 2011

Managers look at call innovations to help staff with work-life balance

As surgical services leaders think about attracting and keeping a new generation of staff, work-life balance is coming into sharper focus. In surgical services, work-life balance tends to center on call. Staff need to be available 24/7 for emergencies. Yet younger staff are not as likely to accept call as…

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By: Pat Patterson
February 1, 2009

What ORs can learn from the cockpit

Two surgeons and a pilot meet, interestingly, on an airplane. They begin comparing notes. They learn that the OR and the cockpit have a lot in common—both are intense, high-stakes environments. And both are vulnerable to potentially disastrous communication breakdowns. Pilot Jack Barker, PhD, (right) will lead seminar. On left…

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By: OR Manager
September 1, 2008

Support for staff when things go wrong

The patient had come to the OR for joint replacement surgery. Though she had a complicated medical history, there was no reason to believe she would have serious problems. But during the surgery, things went wrong, and despite everyone's efforts, the patient died. It hit the team hard, including the…

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By: OR Manager
July 1, 2007

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