Several never events at The Medical Center of Aurora (TMCA) in Aurora, Colorado, over a 1-year period prompted leaders there to launch patient safety first (PSF) initiatives. Part 1 of this series discussed how these initiatives were identified and implemented, and the importance of evidence-based communication tools (OR Manager, March…
Editor's Note Failure to debrief after critical events is common in anesthesia trainees and teams, and communication breakdowns are associated with the failure to debrief, this study finds. Over a 1-year period at a large academic medical center, anesthesiology residents and some attending anesthesiologists were audited and/or interviewed about the…
Can experience in the OR improve patient care in the postsurgical inpatient setting? Beginning last year, the OR at Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia, started its first Periop 101 program and trained six nurses from postsurgical care units to be perioperative nurses. During the program, the former care unit nurses found…
What kind of relationship do you have with your boss? Many managers feel they don’t have enough support from their supervisors, and still others believe the relationship could be better. In the 2018 OR Manager Salary/Career Survey, for example, about a third of respondents had a neutral or unfavorable view…
Today’s perioperative services staff consist of multiple generations with different backgrounds and communication styles. Nurse leaders must consider such differences, not only for recruitment and retention purposes but also for developing bonds with bosses who are not from their own generation—because they will have their own unique leadership styles. “Each…
Editor's Note Organizational support initiatives and authentic leadership training for nurse leaders reduced bullying among licensed practical nurses (LPNs) in this study. A survey was sent to a random sample of 855 LPNs that was drawn from a total of 4,306 in a Midwestern state; 168 usable questionnaires were returned…
High patient satisfaction scores and excellent multidisciplinary teamwork are the hallmarks of a well-managed surgical services department, and Sharon Udy-Janczuk, MSN, RN, CNOR, NE-BC, the 2018 OR Manager of the Year, has bragging rights to both. By cross-training staff in the presurgical care area, OR, and postanesthesia care unit (PACU),…
Editor's Note A survey of 350 millennials finds that traits employees want in a leader has changed dramatically in the past 20 years, the August 2 Great Leadership reports. Among the traits millennials are looking for in a leader are those who: communicate openly and frequently inspire people to be…
The old adage, “Laughter is the best medicine,” is worth adopting as a daily mantra to offset the pressures of the OR environment. Each year, the OR Manager Conference ends on an upbeat note with an inspirational and often humorous closing session. This year’s presentation, on Wednesday, September 19, is…
The loss of experienced nurse leaders to Baby Boomer retirement has been a concern for the past several years. A total of 17% of respondents to the 2017 OR Manager Salary/Career survey said they plan to retire sometime in 2018 to 2020, so grooming their successors should already be well…