Tag: Teams & Team Building

Team agreement competition boost record for on-time starts

Third in a series on OR performance. With health care reform looming and the financial picture for hospitals uncertain, perioperative leaders know senior executives will look to the OR as a major source of revenue. That's likely to increase pressure to improve OR performance. Starting cases on time in the…

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By: OR Manager
August 1, 2010

Joint MD-RN team drives results for an orthopedic service line model

An orthopedic service line has seen its volume rise and complications and costs go down since its surgical services director and chief of orthopedic surgery took the helm. Together, they have found they can drive change. It's an example of new types of collaborative arrangements hospitals are exploring with physicians.…

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By: Cynthia Saver, RN, MS
May 1, 2010

Building bridges between SPD and OR

The financial state of hospitals is not encouraging. Some issues cited in the January OR Manager include: reduced Medicare reimbursements, increased patient volumes, and inability to obtain credit, with 50% of hospitals in the US already approaching insolvency. One suggestion for countering these economic pressures was to increase surgical volume…

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By: OR Manager
March 1, 2009

Making the case for specialty teams

Teams have long been discussed by OR managers as a way to improve physician and staff satisfaction. It makes sense to have teams of the same staff working with surgeons in the same specialty consistently. But a variety of management issues arise. How do you balance the need for specialist…

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By: OR Manager
February 1, 2009

What's needed to address bad behavior?

The Joint Commission's new Leader-ship Standards, effective Jan 1, 2009, call for a code of conduct and a process for addressing disruptive behavior. In a Sentinel Event Alert in July, the commission made its case for why bad behavior is a safety threat and outlined 11 recommendations for addressing it.…

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By: OR Manager
November 1, 2008

Getting the whole team on board to prevent retained foreign bodies

A case of an item left behind after surgery can be like a canary in a coal mine—a signal that an OR department has systems problems. Retained items often happen as a result of poor communication and faulty processes. Perhaps nurses aren't using a standardized counting procedure in all ORs.…

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By: OR Manager
September 1, 2008

What works for teamwork training

A case is getting ready to start. The radio is playing. The surgeon is helping position the patient. The anesthesiologist is giving the antibiotic. Someone is hooking up the suction. The circulating nurse is calling for the time-out to verify the surgical site, but no one is paying much attention.…

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By: OR Manager
September 1, 2008

WHO launches global program for safe surgery, with checklist

Crew resource management in the OR takes another step forward with the World Health Organization's (WHO) launch of Safe Surgery Saves Lives, which puts a new checklist, the surgical safety checklist (SSC), at the center of patient safety. Preliminary results from 8 pilot sites worldwide indicate the checklist nearly doubled…

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By: Cynthia Saver, RN, MS
August 1, 2008

Military's team-training tools now available to ORs, others

A63-year-old patient is having cataract surgery. The surgeon calls for the lens, and the circulating nurse, just returning from lunch, presents what he thinks is the correct lens. Without checking, the surgeon asks the nurse to open the lens container. The lens he inserts turns out to be the one…

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By: OR Manager
June 1, 2007

Power of teams theme for conference

If health care were sports, physicians would be playing golf or tennis. Each MD would be trying to win a match to score points for the team. Nurses would be playing volleyball, where every member has a role—to dig, set, or spike the ball. Physicians and nurses both consider themselves…

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By: OR Manager
January 1, 2007

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