After the 2021 OR Manager Conference (ORMC), OR Manager sat down with ORMC award recipients Mary Anne Douglas, executive director of Surgical Operations at Intermountain Healthcare; Patrel Nobles, clinical director of Cardiac Surgery Operating Room at Inova Fairfax Medical Campus; Janet Quigley, nursing director, PostAnesthesia Care, at Massachusetts General Hospital;…
A diverse workforce benefits the organization and the community, but it can be challenging to achieve. OR Manager recently spoke with experts from leadership, human resources, and DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) to gain insights into how nurse leaders can build a diverse workforce. Part 1 (OR Manager, November/December 2021,…
After more than a year in hiatus, OR Manager Conference was held in October 2021 in Chicago, bringing together hundreds of attendees, speakers, and exhibitors. After the live conference, OR Manager sat down with Cindy Kildgore, education coordinator for the OR Manager Conference; Amy Bethel, education coordinator for the OR…
The call for a diverse workforce echoes in ORs across the US. Although most OR leaders want to answer the call, they struggle in an environment where OR staff, particularly nurses, are in high demand. OR Manager recently spoke with experts from leadership, human resources, and DEI (diversity, equity, and…
Editor's Note The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is seeking comments on workplace and occupational safety and health interventions to prevent work-associated stress, support stress reduction, and foster positive mental health and well-being among healthcare workers. Examples of interventions include employee…
Over the past year, job satisfaction of OR leaders as well as staff and physician engagement have all eroded, according to the 2021 OR Manager Salary/Career Survey. Although more than two-thirds (67%) of respondents rate their current jobs or positions favorably, that is down from the 77% seen in 2020…
Bullying is a serious problem seen in all aspects of life—at home, in school, and in the workplace. Anyone can be a bully, but bullying is often carried out by those who are threatened by or view themselves as superior to others. However, the younger generations, who are slowly taking…
Even as vaccination rates rise, COVID-19 continues its grip on the healthcare system and nurses are feeling the consequences, including staffing challenges that have prompted a renewed focus on retention. Scars left by the pandemic will complicate retention efforts. “The pandemic has made things much worse, not only for the…
Responses to the 2021 OR Manager Salary/Career Survey indicate that OR leaders continue to face significant challenges as a result of COVID-19. The survey results come at a time when the buffeting waves of the pandemic are receding for some leaders, leaving them on the shoreline of a post-pandemic world.…
Protecting healthcare staff from physical and verbal abuse has always been a part of nurse leaders’ responsibilities, but the increase in workplace violence (WPV) since the start of COVID-19 has made that even more challenging than in the past. In the first article of this two-part series, OR Manager looked…