Disinfection robots are first on the ECRI Institute’s 2015 Top 10 Hospital C-Suite Watch List, which includes new and emerging technologies healthcare providers should know about. Hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) are a persistent problem, and a recent study supports the efficacy of disinfection robots. However, the technology is expensive, and experts…
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on March 17 published a final guidance on reprocessing reusable medical devices. This guidance, which provides manufacturers with recommendations to validate their reprocessing instructions, comes on the heels of a host of “superbug” bacteria outbreaks related to reprocessing of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) duodenoscopes.…
Though minimally invasive surgery (MIS) is associated with lower postoperative complication rates, little is known about the cost savings resulting from the reduced rates. Researchers led by Martin Makary, MD, professor of surgery at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, designed a study to calculate the projected cost savings…
Hybrid ORs are proliferating in response to market, surgeon, and even patient demands, but building the business case for this technology can be challenging. “It’s a very expensive proposition,” says Lynne Ingle, MHA, BS, RN, CNOR, project manager for Gene Burton & Associates, a healthcare technology consulting company in Franklin,…
As the anesthesiologist places the mask on the little girl’s face, the circulating nurse snaps a photograph and sends it to her parents’ cell phone with a caption saying, “she is safely off to sleep.” The nurse continues to send photographs and videos of the girl’s heart procedure along with…
When it comes to patient safety in the OR, the risk of fire or other damage caused by surgical instruments is an area that deserves greater attention. Professional medical societies concerned about such risks have developed a multidisciplinary curriculum that addresses appropriate and safe use of energy devices in surgery…
The expanded volume of interventional cardiology in recent years has played a major role in the growing prevalence of hybrid ORs. As a result, many perioperative services leaders have had to develop systems for managing hybrid ORs along with traditional ORs. “Management of hybrid ORs is really a collision of…
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on September 24 published the final rule for its Unique Device Identification (UDI) system to provide a consistent way to identify medical devices throughout their distribution and use. “A UDI system for medical devices is an important step towards increasing patient safety, modernizing postmarket…
Strict requirements needed to comply with a recall for the Neptune brand of roving suction devices are raising questions and concern for ORs whose facilities continue to use the devices. The recall of the Neptune Waste Management System from Stryker, used to collect and dispose of fluid waste, was initiated…
Manual cleaning is performed by humans, and thus will always be imperfect. Could technology lend a hand? Some hospitals and a few ORs are adopting an extra disinfection step—employing robot-like machines that can disinfect an entire room. The machines are meant to augment—not replace—manual cleaning. These technologies have some compelling…