Our series on artificial intelligence (AI) concludes in this issue with part 2 of an in-depth look at legal and ethical questions (cover story) as well as advice for evaluating new AI products (“Consider all angles when choosing AI technology,” p 13). But insights about future trends like AI do…
Innovative technology and surgical procedures, including artificial intelligence, will be explored in depth during the OR Manager Conference, September 18-20 in New Orleans. The new OR of the Future gives attendees a unique opportunity to learn through interactive experiences, educational sessions, and discussions with leading experts: product manufacturers as well…
Supply chain is ripe for innovation, as Amazon Business and technology manufacturers have discovered. In part 1 of this two-part series, we focused on the company’s role in the supply chain (OR Manager, February 2019, 1, 9-12). In part 2, we look at technology-related trends and innovations that can improve…
Supply chain is the lifeblood of the OR, so any disruption in the flow of that lifeblood can lead to outcomes ranging from dissatisfaction with backorders to chaos if a new implant doesn’t arrive on time. But disruption also can be a positive force, especially if it supports flow. When…
Multiple requests for new equipment and technology—usually from surgeons but also sometimes from staff—are not uncommon. As part of their due diligence, OR leaders must determine whether the return on investment (ROI) justifies the purchase. Doing ROI calculations systematically—and involving key stakeholders—can help ensure that the organization makes the best…
After transitioning from a paper-based data and operations management system to one that uses relational database software, Lahey Hospital and Medical Center (LHMC) in Burlington, Massachusetts, saved more than $1 million in product purchases in 2017. The surgical value analysis committee (VAC) evaluated 150 product requests and managed the conversion…
Editor's Note ECRI Institute on October 30 announced a new white paper--Value Analysis: Addressing Top Challenges by Using the PICOTS Framework--which presents findings from national seminars on the top five challenges value analysis professionals face daily. The challenges are: Antiquated workflow C-suite buy-in Accessibility to data Physician engagement Bandwidth. The…
Editor's Note A bill that would repeal the medical device tax cleared the House of Representatives on July 24 in a 283-132 vote. the July 24 The Hill reports. The tax provided part of the funding for the Affordable Care Act. Rep Erik Paulsen (R-Minn), the bill sponsor, says the…
Editor's Note: This study from Iowa State University shows companies have cut funding for research and development (R&D) in response to the medical device tax imposed by the Affordable Care Act. Since 2013, the 2.3% excise tax has significantly reduced: R&D investment by $34 million Sales revenue by $188 million…
Editor's Note The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on January 12 announced a delay in enforcement of unique device identification (UDI) requirements for class I and unclassified devices until September 24, 2020. The FDA also will not enforce direct mark requirements for these devices until September 24, 2022. The guidance…