Tag: Vendors

Orthopedic implant overhaul nets cost savings and surgeon satisfaction

One way to shave the OR operating budget is to trim the supply spend, and for orthopedic service lines in particular, reining in costs related to implants can make a big impact. Some orthopedic service providers have achieved dramatic savings by adopting a “rep-less” model for certain procedures. At Loma…

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By: OR Manager
November 17, 2014

Contract management is a challenging but critical component of cost control

Loopholes in supply contracts can wreak havoc with a supply budget, but attention to detail and proper terminology can help OR managers take charge instead of being charged unnecessary fees. “Not managing your agreement will cost you 12% to 25% of the spend or 100% of any savings achieved,” Girard…

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By: OR Manager
May 12, 2014

Formula for successful cost control includes hard data plus surgeon champion

With decreasing Medicare reimbursements and increasing pressure to reduce costs, OR leaders everywhere are looking for creative solutions to balance their budgets. At Thomas Jefferson University Hospital (TJUH) in Philadelphia, standardizing surgical mesh looked like a way to save a bundle, and indeed a $1.5 million savings over a 3-year…

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By: OR Manager
March 13, 2014

Best practices lead to greater consistency in vendor credentialing

When OR Manager examined vendor credentialing in 2009, hospitals had a hodgepodge of requirements. OR managers and purchasing departments were making their first forays into third-party software for managing credentialing, and there was a crying need for standardization. Four years later, progress has been made in developing credentialing standards, and…

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By: OR Manager
November 1, 2013

Successful vendor/OR partnership yields more than $1 million in savings

An innovative program at The University of Kansas Hospital (TUKH), Kansas City, for managing vendor partnerships has saved the hospital $1.9 million in just 8 months of operation. “We’ve found that pricing and inventory management requires key partnerships with suppliers,” says Brian Dolan, MHSA, CMRP, RHIA, CHDA, SSGB, director of…

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By: OR Manager
November 1, 2013

Collaborate with surgeons and vendors to control high-end supply costs

OR Business Performance is a series intended to help OR managers and directors improve the success of their business.   Surgical supplies are a major component of OR expenses. In the July issue of OR Manager, we showed how controlling spending on low- and mid-priced supplies can reduce overall costs.…

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By: OR Manager
August 1, 2013

For implants, balancing choice and cost control

Negotiating with orthopedic vendors can be frustrating as OR leaders strive to balance competing agendas among companies, surgeons, and the hospital. Kimberley Murray, MS, RN, CNOR, administrator for the orthopedic and spine service line at St. Joseph’s Hospital (SJH) in Syracuse, New York, reduced frustration by adopting a program that…

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By: OR Manager
February 6, 2012

A vendor policy for a large system

An effective plan to manage vendors is crucial for any OR, but designing such a system for a large health system is complex. Nurse leaders at the Sisters of Mercy Health System, based in St Louis with 19 hospitals in 4 states, have collaborated with their colleagues to craft a…

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By: Cynthia Saver, RN, MS
July 1, 2009

Ground rules for vendors in the OR

Vendors bring many contributions to the OR, such as staff education and support to surgeons for new products. Like any external visitor to the OR, however, vendors must be managed appropriately to meet regulatory requirements. It takes collaboration to create a policy that works and to establish ongoing monitoring to…

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By: Cynthia Saver, RN, MS
May 1, 2008

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