Editor's Note There are no federal regulations or quality measures that address cell phone use in the OR, but some say the time for clear-cut guidelines has come. They cite errors and lax safety procedures that have resulted from physicians and nurses distracted by cell phone use. But others point…
Editor's Note Faced with weak demand and falling prices, manufacturers are improving their product warranties and adding cost-sharing guarantees to compensate hospitals if their medical-surgical devices don’t perform as expected, Reuters reports. Among the companies offering the new guarantees are Medtronic, Johnson & Johnson, and St Jude Medical, which have…
Patients who are readmitted after major surgical procedures have improved survival if they return to the same hospital where their surgery took place, finds a study. Readmission to the index hospital was associated with a 26% lower 90-day mortality risk than readmission to a non-index hospital. These findings may have…
Background: In an effort to measure and improve the quality of perioperative care, the Surgical Care Improvement Project (SCIP) was introduced in 2003. Methods: The authors retrospectively analyzed the electronic medical record data from 45,304 inpatients at a single institution to assess whether compliance with SCIP Inf-10 (body temperature management)…
As the anesthesiologist places the mask on the little girl’s face, the circulating nurse snaps a photograph and sends it to her parents’ cell phone with a caption saying, “she is safely off to sleep.” The nurse continues to send photographs and videos of the girl’s heart procedure along with…
Developing a vacation selection process that is fair to everyone can be a daunting challenge for OR managers. The right balance between flexibility and adequate coverage can make or break staff satisfaction. Having time away from the hospital is important for all OR personnel, but perhaps none more so than…
Recent highly publicized outbreaks of infections linked to improper reprocessing of flexible endoscopes have raised concerns about infection prevention in gastrointestinal endoscopy procedures. Because of the headlines, legislatures are hearing from their constituents that they are fearful of being exposed to infections, and legislatures are getting involved. The Society of…
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on April 30 issued its proposed rule that would update FY 2015 Medicare payment polices and rates for inpatient stays at general acute care and long-term care hospitals. The proposed rule will increase the payment rate to general acute care hospitals by…
Obstructive sleep apnea is a major clinical and economic challenge in the postoperative period, affecting up to one-fourth of patients undergoing elective surgical procedures. The prevalence among orthopedic patients having joint arthroplasty may be especially high because obesity is a widespread comorbidity in this patient population. Obesity is 1 of…
Much work needed to make hospitals highly reliable To achieve a goal of zero patient harm, hospitals must adopt lessons from high-risk industries, finds a Joint Commission report. The authors say hospital leadership must • commit to the goal of zero patient harm rather than viewing it as unrealistic •…