The economy continues to present staffing and budgetary challenges, our annual staffing survey finds; little has changed since the 2008 recession despite slightly better overall conditions (see cover story). Perioperative leaders report they’ve had to reduce overtime, eliminate open positions, and tell staff to take time off without pay in…
Quality improvement efforts cut readmissions Hospitals participating in the Hospital to Home Quality Improvement Initiative had statistically significant changes in strategies to reduce readmissions, a study finds. In a survey of 437 participants, more hospitals reported: • partnering with other local hospitals to reduce readmissions • discharging patients with a…
How long can a flexible endoscope be stored before it needs to be reprocessed for use in a patient? Guidelines differ, raising questions about the appropriate storage or “hang time.” Evidence is limited. What’s the best course? How do accreditation surveyors assess this? Though infections from GI endoscopes are rare,…
Nurse burnout is linked to infection rates Nurse burnout leads to higher health care-associated infection rates and costs hospitals millions of dollars annually, new research finds. The study of more than 7,000 RNs in 161 Pennsylvania hospitals found more than one-third were suffering from burnout. Multivariate analysis showed a significant…
NSQIP—you see those initials more and more in studies on surgical quality. NSQIP stands for the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program from the American College of Surgeons (ACS). NSQIP is gathering momentum, with 475 hospitals enrolled. Benefits are credible data for improving surgical outcomes and the buy-in from surgeons. By…
Regional anesthesia better for hip fracture Regional anesthesia was linked with a significant reduction in major pulmonary complications and death after hip fracture surgery in a study. Of patients having hip fracture surgery in 126 New York State hospitals, those who had regional rather than general anesthesia had 29% lower…
Readmission of patients who develop surgical site infections (SSIs) after total knee and hip replacement is common, adding more than $65 million to health care costs annually, in a new study. “We found that the impact of these infections is not only significant and profound in the immediate diagnosis…
The rate of depression in hospital–employed nurses, at 18%, is twice the rate of the general population, finds a study. Body mass index, job satisfaction, number of health problems, mental well-being, and health-related productivity were significantly related to depression in the survey of 1,171 RNs. Advanced practice nurses and nurse…
The Joint Commission Center for Transforming Healthcare announced its new Hand-off Communications Targeted Solutions Tool in June 2012. The tool will assist organizations with the process of passing patient care information from one caregiver to another to prevent miscommunication. Organizations piloting the tool reduced readmissions by 50% and reduced by…
Third of 3 articles on applying Lean management to turnover time. Creating a “visual workplace” is a principle in Lean management. Visual cues have been one solution for improving turnover time at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia. In a visual workplace, the goal is to make waste, problems,…