Editor's Note The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on January 5 updated its data on healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). Central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSIs) have dropped 50% since 2008. Catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) have had consistent year-to-year decreases, especially since those caused by yeast were deleted from the…
Editor's Note The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on January 11 classified the recall by Edwards LifeSciences (Irvine, California) of its Certitude Delivery System as Class I, the most serious. The system is used for delivery of the Edwards SAPIEN 3 transcatheter aortic heart valve. The recall was issued because…
Editor's Note The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on January 9 announced a new voluntary bundled payment model called, “Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Advanced” (BPCI Advanced). Participants in BPCI Advanced will receive payments for performance on 32 (29 inpatient, 3 outpatient) different clinical episodes. The first cohort…
Editor's Note The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) on January 9 announced a new “Safe Transitions Toolkit” for clinical staff working in ambulatory care settings. The toolkit is designed to help staff actively engage patients and their care partners to prevent errors during care transitions. The toolkit includes…
Editor's Note Complete handover of intraoperative anesthesia care was significantly linked to adverse postoperative outcomes in this Canadian study. In this analysis of 313,066 adult patients having major surgery, complete intraoperative handover of anesthesia care, compared with no handover, was significantly associated with a higher risk of a composite of…
Editor's Note The Joint Commission on January 10 announced that three new requirements for maternal status assessment and documentation will become effective July 1, 2018, for accredited hospitals and critical access hospitals that offer obstetric services, specifically labor and delivery. The new requirements were designed to: Document or assess the…
Editor's Note This meta-analysis of 61 articles (involving 3,909,152 patients) finds a positive relationship between long-term night shift work and several common cancers in women, including breast, digestive system, and skin cancers. A subgroup analysis found that for every 5 years of night shift work, the risk of breast cancer…
Editor's Note The Joint Commission and Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) have been collaborating since late 2015 on a 3-year project titled, “Adaptation & Dissemination of Outpatient Infection Prevention (ADOPT).” The goal of the project is to adapt, enhance, and disseminated current CDC guidance on infection prevention and…
Editor's Note Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, MD, on January 4 issued a statement, updating the continued efforts to mitigate the IV saline and amino acids for injection shortages caused by Hurricane Maria. The FDA expects the IV saline shortage to improve in early 2018. Just before…
Editor's Note The UW [University of Washington]-IPASS standardized handoff curriculum improves provider preparedness and workflow in the ICU, this study finds. The intent of UW-IPASS is to standardized and improve clinician handoffs through the use of a mnemonic and electronic medical record tool that ensures communication of essential information. UW-IPASS…