Editor's Note A well-structured water distribution and documentation process helped bariatric surgery patients drink more water and improve postoperative outcomes, finds this study presented July 23 at the 2017 American College of Surgeons Quality and Safety Conference. The average baseline water intake for 12 patients was 381.5 mL during a…
Editor's Note Early postoperative hyperglycemia was linked to increased readmissions after gastrointestinal surgery in insulin-dependent diabetic patients, but elevated preoperative hemoglobinA1c was not, this study finds. Higher preoperative hemoglobinA1c levels were associated with increased postoperative glucose level checks and insulin use as well as lower rates of postoperative complications. Though…
Editor's Note From 2005 to 2014, the average inflation-adjusted cost of a hospital inpatient stay increased by 12.7%, from $9,500 to $10,900, according to new statistics from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). Average costs for stays increased: 16% for Medicaid 18% for private insurance 8% for Medicare…
Editor's Note A new study finds a big drop in smoking rates when surgeons get involved in helping patients quit before surgery through the "Strong for Surgery" program. The study was presented July 23 at the 2017 American College of Surgeons (ACS) Quality and Safety Conference. Strong for Surgery is…
Editor's Note The Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care on July 25 released a new toolkit that focuses on flexible endoscope reprocessing failures. The toolkit is designed to help eliminate failures or lapses in reprocessing through detailed guidelines and checklists in order to mitigate the risk of patient infections. The…
Editor's Note The ECRI Institute on July 31 announced a new free white paper titled, “Value Analysis: Best Practices for Navigating the Evidence Maze. The white paper features three case studies that show how hospital value analysis committees can use the PICOTS (patients, intervention, comparators, outcomes, time frame for follow-up,…
Editor's Note An Enhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS) program for colorectal surgery patients shortened hospital length of stay by more than half, reduced complications by more than one-third, and cut costs by some $11,000 per procedure, finds a study presented July 23 at the American College of Surgeons 2017 Quality…
Editor's Note The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on July 21 announced the recall by Fujifilm of its ED-530XT duodenoscopes. The recall includes replacement of the ED-530XT forceps elevator mechanism including the o-ring seal, replacement of the distal end cap, and a new operations manual. The FDA cleared the updated…
Editor's Note The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on July 26 issued a new report titled “Antibiotic Use in the United States, 2017: Progress and Opportunities.” The report includes information on the current status of antibiotic use in healthcare settings, highlighting programs and resources to support antibiotic stewardship (ie,…
Editor's Note Children with multiple exposures to anesthesia before age 3 are more likely to develop adverse outcomes related to learning and attention, this study finds. Of 116 multiply exposed, 457 singly exposed, and 463 unexposed children included in the analysis, multiple, but not single, anesthesia exposures were associated with…