Editor's Note The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on September 2 issued a final rule saying that over-the-counter (OTC) antiseptic wash products containing active ingredients can no longer be marketed. The rule applies to products containing one or more of 19 ingredients, including the most commonly used triclosan and triclocarban.…
Editor's Note The nation’s top performing states for healthcare quality according to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s updated State Snapshots are: Main Massachusetts Wisconsin New Hampshire Minnesota. State Snapshots is an interactive online resource that provides data on how each state and the District of Columbia perform on…
Editor's Note This study found a strong association between spinal anesthesia and lower 30-day mortality along with a shorter length of stay after total hip and knee replacements. Of 10,868 patients analyzed, 8,553 had spinal anesthesia and 2,315 had general anesthesia. The 30-day mortality rate was 0.19% in the spinal…
Editor's Note Analyzing data on nearly 4,500 acute-care facilities, Johns Hopkins researchers found that the hospitals with the highest rates of readmissions were more likely to show better mortality scores. Data on mortality and hospital readmissions used by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) sometime fail to tell…
Editor's Note Children who played games on an Apple iPad before surgery had a reduction in their stress levels equal to the effect of taking a sedative, according to a study presented at the World Congress of Anaesthesiologists in Hong Kong. In addition, parental satisfaction and quality of anesthesia induction…
Editor's Note The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on September 1 issued a Safety Alert for Baxter International’s (Deerfield, Illinois) Vascu-Guard Peripheral Vascular Patch. The FDA has received multiple adverse event reports associated with use of the Vascu-Guard patch during carotid endarterectomy, including intraoperative or postoperative bleeding and hematomas as…
Editor's Note In this study of patients discharged from two tertiary-quaternary hospitals and one community hospital, researchers found no appreciable or consistent improvement in hospital-acquired infections (HAIs), mortality, or length of stay from 2006 and 2012. During this time, total charges declined by 11% for bloodstream infection and 13% for…
Editor's Note Bariatric surgical patients in the Veterans Administration health care system lost substantially more weight than nonsurgical patients and sustained most of the weight loss in the long term, this study finds. Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) induced significantly more weight loss than sleeve gastrectomy (SG) or adjustable gastric banding…
Editor's Note The Joint Commission on August 31 released its top five most challenging requirements for the first half of 2016. The top five requirements cited most frequently as “not compliant” for hospitals during surveys and reviews from January 1 through June 30 are: 66% EC.02.06.01 The hospital establishes and…
Editor's Note A nurse manager’s practice environment was a significant predictor of job satisfaction and intent to leave, this study finds. Of 355 nurse managers surveyed, using the Nurse Manager Practice Environment Scale: Job satisfaction was 4.5 on a 6-point scale. Mean intent to leave was 5.0 on a scale…