Editor's Note Nearly 209,000 physicians and other healthcare providers will receive 2% cuts in their Medicare payments in 2016 for failing to meet meaningful use standards in 2014. The penalties total an estimated $600 million. Andy Slavitt, acting administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, said on January…
Editor's Note The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on January 15 classified the recall of Brainlab’s Cranial Image-Guided Surgery (IGS) System as Class I, the most serious. The system is being recalled because of potential inaccuracies in the display by the navigation system compared to the patient’s anatomy. This could…
Editor's Note This large-scale initiative, led by researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, to implement surgical safety checklists in 13 South Carolina hospitals was associated with improved staff perceptions of perioperative safety. Included were improved staff perceptions of: mutual respect clinical leadership assertiveness on behalf of safety…
Editor's Note Medicare data on payments for inpatient surgery are a reliable measure of hospital costs for commonly performed procedures, but are less reliable for lower volume procedures, this study finds. With increased emphasis on shifting risk from payers to providers through bundled payments and accountable care organizations, hospitals are…
Editor's Note The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), on January 1, issued revised guidelines on “Reviewing Short Stay Hospital Claims for Patient Status: Admissions On or After January 1, 2016.” Under the revised exceptions policy for admissions not meeting the two-midnight benchmark, Part A payment may be appropriate…
Editor's Note Select hospital characteristics are associated with readmissions after major surgical procedures, this study finds. After adjusting for patient factors, rural location was predictive of readmission after colectomy. Low-volume and minority-serving hospitals were associated with greater odds of readmission after total joint arthroplasties. Because financial penalties may worsen performance…
Editor's Note The Meaningful Use program will be ending some time in 2016, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services acting administrator, Andy Slavitt, announced January 11. New value-based payment regulations demand a more streamlined regulatory approach, noted Slavitt, speaking at the J P Morgan Healthcare conference in San Francisco.…
Editor's Note Expectant mothers who experience a traumatic injury and receive care at a hospital with a designated trauma center experience better outcomes than those treated at a nontrauma hospital, finds this study. The women are less likely to experience preterm labor, have a low birthweight infant, or have meconium…
Editor's Note Intraoperative hypotension does not appear to be a clinically important predictor of surgical site infections (SSIs), this study finds. Because hypotension compromises local tissue perfusion, researchers from the Cleveland Clinic hypothesized that intraoperative hypotension might promote infection. Among 2,521 patients included in the analysis, there was no adjusted…
Editor's Note The number of additional attending anesthesiologists and in-room providers (ie, anesthesia residents, nurse anesthetists) involved in a surgical procedure was independently associated with an increased odds of postoperative complications in this study. Though a surgical patient may receive anesthesia care from several anesthesia providers, the safety of anesthesia…