A column on managing the OR revenue cycle. What are the rules for charging for preadmission testing and postop recovery? How should ORs handle charges for a patient who stays in the OR because a postanesthesia care bed is not available? In this column, Keith Siddel, JD, MBA, an…
Surgical infection rates are dropping to zero, mammography results now arrive in minutes rather than weeks, and patient satisfaction surveys actually reflect patients’ interpretations of their experiences. This new world has arrived in some innovative locations, and it is poised to spread. The Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC)…
Quality improvement efforts cut readmissions Hospitals participating in the Hospital to Home Quality Improvement Initiative had statistically significant changes in strategies to reduce readmissions, a study finds. In a survey of 437 participants, more hospitals reported: • partnering with other local hospitals to reduce readmissions • discharging patients with a…
When you read the disturbing reports linking nurses’ stress, burnout, and workload to worse patient outcomes, you wonder why staff and patient safety aren't addressed together. In just one example, a study found a high rate of nurse burnout was related with higher rates of catheter-associated urinary tract infection and…
Seven hospitals working with the Joint Commission and the American College of Surgeons (ACS) on a 2-year project to reduce colorectal surgical site infections (SSIs) have saved more than $3.7 million by avoiding an estimated 135 SSIs, the commission announced in November 2012. The commission is pilot testing the approach…
OR business managers and OR directors involved in the financial management of the surgical suite will have an opportunity to sharpen their skills at the second annual OR Business Manager Workshop, April 7 to 9, 2013, at the Marriott City Center, Denver. This intensive, interactive workshop is an opportunity for…
Ten Elements of Safer Surgery. First in a series. What’s the essential ingredient for an OR to run safely and effectively? Many would sum it up with one word—leadership, followed closely by collaboration. An OR led by a strong team from surgery, nursing, and anesthesia backed by the hospital’s…
Why does our hospital have a higher rate of venous thromboembolism (VTE) than others in our state? How are others preventing surgical site infections (SSIs) after colorectal surgery? What’s behind our urinary tract infection (UTI) rate? Hospitals in Tennessee are openly discussing issues like these through the Tennessee Surgical Quality…