An orientee comes to you in tears saying a couple of tenured nurses have snapped at her or huffed impatiently when she asked a question. Several other staff have met with you individually about conflict and hurtful comments they say are happening on one of the specialty teams. You already…
Is this specimen fresh or frozen? Is it routine, or does it require a lung protocol? Does it go to the frozen section lab or the microbiology department? Proper labeling and handling of surgical specimens are critical to reduce the risk of misdiagnosis and the need for repeat surgery. Decreasing…
NSQIP—you see those initials more and more in studies on surgical quality. NSQIP stands for the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program from the American College of Surgeons (ACS). NSQIP is gathering momentum, with 475 hospitals enrolled. Benefits are credible data for improving surgical outcomes and the buy-in from surgeons. By…
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released its long awaited proposed rule for a unique device identification (UDI) system on July 3, 2012. Comments will be accepted for 120 days after the proposed rule is published in the Federal Register, which was expected in early July. The rule would…
A new study in the journal Health Affairs of total knee replacement (TKR) confirms that wide variations in care exist among hospitals based on factors such as geographic location. The High Value Healthcare Collaborative found significant variations in TKR among the 5 participating health care systems. Among these were length…
Better data coupled with an at-risk salary model for anesthesiologists have helped one academic medical center to improve its performance for on-time starts and turnover time between cases. The hospital’s surgical volume was growing, and it had to make the most of its OR time. Yet a lot of the…
Key changes are being proposed in the OR design and construction guidelines that are used by the Joint Commission, federal agencies, and 42 states. OR leaders may wish to offer comments. Comments are accepted until November 22, 2012, on the draft 2014 Guidelines for Design and Construction of Health Care…
Narrow-lumened instruments and endoscopes are one of your biggest reprocessing challenges. They have the highest risk of being improperly processed, notes Michelle J. Alfa, PhD, FCCM, a researcher in health care-associated infections. If the lumens and channels of endoscopes are not cleaned properly, high-level disinfection or sterilization may not be…